Date: 11/24/2002, 9:15 pm
: Okay, there's been a lot posted lately about handheld GPS's. Let me first say
: that I love... uh, loved.... my Garmin eTrex. It's been a faithful
: companion through many a trek. I never use it in a kayak or canoe without
: a protective cover. I don't trust the waterproof to a few feet for a few
: minuites statement. Well, today I am burying the eTrex, victim of
: drowning. Well, not really even drowning, call it steam suffocation. I use
: it on my powerboat and mount it on the grab rail on the console with a
: bicycle mount. Right next to that is a suction cup attached plastic
: "thingy" that holds my cell phone and handheld radio. The
: handheld is one of those waterproof to a few feet for thirty minuite
: things. The cell phone is your basic landlubber. I don't keep the cell in
: a pouch because I hate it and I want it to die so I can have an excuse to
: get another one. That's another story. When I'm done boating I throw the
: cell, the handheld, and the eTrex in a duffle bag along with my drip
: dried, slightly damp snorkel gear. Okay, not the best thing to do, but if
: the doggone cell phone makes it, why then did the GPS start to have water
: vapor in the screen and then just pretty much give up the ghost. Okay, I
: have to be honest and say that the back may have loosened from mounting
: and dismounting to the grab rail... then there was the mountain bike flip
: while doing a front wheelie in the parking lot, but I swear the eTrex did
: not suffer. The cell phone has been splashed with salt spray, carried
: while swimming to shore at a beach, and stuffed in the duffel bag, along
: with being dropped numerous times on the concrete. The handheld has had an
: easy life, as it's just a backup, but it gets lots of salt spray. The
: eTrex had it pretty good. I have NEVER dropped it in the water or even let
: it get rained on. The only thing was putting it in the duffel bag with
: semi-wet snorkel gear, and then converting that water to steam that
: appears to have done it in.
: I loved my little eTrex, but I think now I'm going to try Magellan next time.
: I do intend to take the thing apart and (1) find out if there really is a
: membrane that covers that little pinhole in the back, and (2) see if I can
: resucitate it with a hair dryer. As for the cell phone, the thing just
: won't die. It has that funny green tint to all the contacts, but it keeps
: going strong. In fact, today after snorkeling all day (sorry northerners,
: hope the snow ain't too deep) I carried it through the water held just
: above water while I waded to shore, then clipped it to my wet bathing
: suit.... still going! It's like the energizer bunny.
May I offer a suggestion before you trash the GPS. I revived a VHF radio that was in 6 meters of salt water for about 40 minutes. I first gave it fresh water soak, then I opened it up as much as was practical and immersed it in alcohol for an hour, batteries removed of course, (the water mixes with the alcohol and the alcohol will evaporate), then I placed it in a warm dry place for a couple of days to dry out. IT WORKED! I am still using it but not with a total trust. Nothing to lose. Oh and thanks for the heads up on the Garmin waterproofness. I will start putting my Garmin Legend in a Zip Lock bag.
Messages In This Thread
- Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/24/2002, 8:45 pm- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT *NM*
Don Lucas -- 11/25/2002, 12:21 pm- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT
Don Lucas -- 11/25/2002, 12:28 pm- Simple, yet elegant. I love it. *NM*
doug -- 11/25/2002, 4:46 pm
- Simple, yet elegant. I love it. *NM*
- Re: Call Garmin
doug -- 11/25/2002, 12:12 pm- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/25/2002, 8:32 am- Yep, mine too!
Ted Henry -- 11/24/2002, 10:52 pm- molecular diameter???
joaquin -- 11/25/2002, 7:29 am- Re: molecular diameter???
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/25/2002, 4:18 pm- Re: molecular diameter???
Ted Henry -- 11/25/2002, 11:01 am- Re: Gore-tex works?
*NM* *NM*
Bryan -- 11/25/2002, 4:12 pm- Water is Water
grant -- 11/25/2002, 11:37 am- Re: Water is Water
Kyle T -- 11/25/2002, 2:40 pm- Re: Water is Water
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/25/2002, 4:55 pm- Re: Water is Water
Mike and Rikki -- 11/26/2002, 3:19 pm- Re: Thanks
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/26/2002, 7:03 pm- Re: Thanks
Mike and Rikki -- 11/27/2002, 1:59 am- Re: Thanks
Rehd -- 11/27/2002, 9:34 am- Re: Naw, thank you!
Mike and Rikki -- 11/27/2002, 2:29 pm
- Re: Naw, thank you!
- Re: Thanks
- Re: Thanks
- That's some funny stuff *NM*
Larry -- 11/25/2002, 11:13 pm- Re: Water is Water
Rick Allnutt -- 11/25/2002, 8:17 pm- Re: Water is Water
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/26/2002, 10:02 am
- Re: Thanks
- Re: Water is Water
- Re: Water is Water
Rick Allnutt -- 11/25/2002, 1:18 pm- Surface Tension
grant -- 11/25/2002, 1:34 pm
- Re: Water is Water
- Water is Water
- Re: molecular diameter???
- Re: molecular diameter???
- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT
Rick Allnutt -- 11/24/2002, 10:44 pm- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/25/2002, 5:43 am
- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT
Reg Lake -- 11/24/2002, 9:15 pm- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/25/2002, 5:52 am- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT *LINK*
Reg Lake -- 11/25/2002, 11:42 am
- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT *LINK*
- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT
- Re: Review: Garmin eTrex: Waterproof...NOT *NM*