Date: 11/25/2002, 3:50 pm
: When making a decorative pattern on deck similar to the Redfish kayak below,
: is it preferable to first strip the whole deck with the base/background
: strips and then cut out the areas to inlay, or is it better to lay the
: curved pattern first and then fit strips to it? I've seen both methods
: described in books and web sites, but would like to know which method
: might produce a better result for a novice strip builder.
: I am building a Guillemot and would like some curved design on the deck to
: complement the flow of water around the boat, but am having trouble
: deciding the method to use.
: Thanks for all the great tips I've already gleaned from reading this BB!
: Thanks,
: John C
: Dallas, Texas
i did the curved sections first then filled in the rest. doing the curves first gave me the freedom to let the wood curve naturaly.i did have a set design but let the wood i was working with make some of the decisions.good luck
steve h.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays *Pic*
John C -- 11/25/2002, 3:45 pm- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
Jack Sanderson -- 11/26/2002, 11:41 am- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
John Caldeira -- 11/26/2002, 6:52 pm
- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
Rick Allnutt -- 11/25/2002, 8:29 pm- use a paper underlay with your design on it
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/26/2002, 12:01 am- Re: use a paper underlay with your design on it
Rick Allnutt -- 11/26/2002, 8:46 am- going the paper route
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/26/2002, 9:31 pm- Long posts - I look forward to them
Rick Allnutt -- 11/27/2002, 8:21 am
- Long posts - I look forward to them
- Re: use a paper underlay with your design on it
Rick Allnutt -- 11/26/2002, 8:13 am- Re: use a paper underlay with your design on it *LINK*
Elliott -- 11/26/2002, 8:46 am- The _guy_ who made that boat?
charles w -- 11/26/2002, 12:05 pm- It could have been a dog
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/27/2002, 3:36 am- Re: The _guy_ who made that boat?
*NM* *Pic*
Elliott -- 11/26/2002, 2:20 pm - Re: The _guy_ who made that boat?
- It could have been a dog
- The _guy_ who made that boat?
- going the paper route
- Re: use a paper underlay with your design on it
- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays *NM*
Myrl Tanton -- 11/25/2002, 6:14 pm- That was dumb...anyways *LINK*
Myrl Tanton -- 11/25/2002, 6:24 pm
- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
mike allen -- 11/25/2002, 5:29 pm- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
Ted Henry -- 11/25/2002, 5:13 pm- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays *LINK* *Pic*
Steve Frederick -- 11/25/2002, 5:05 pm- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
steven hartmann -- 11/25/2002, 3:50 pm - Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays