It could have been a dog

In Response To: The _guy_ who made that boat?
*NM* (charles w)

There is a classic cartoon of a dog sitting in front of a computer terminal. The caption is: "But on the internet they don't know I'm a dog."
The point being that you can't really know anything about who (or what) is on the other side of the screen corresponding with you. Artificial inteeligence software has been on the back burner for a few years, but the current crop of hardware could run the old algorithms much faster.
Maybe soon the other side of the screen will be a machine talking back to you -- but you'll think it is a person.
Maybe it is already happening.
Just a thought.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays *Pic*
John C -- 11/25/2002, 3:45 pm- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
Jack Sanderson -- 11/26/2002, 11:41 am- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
John Caldeira -- 11/26/2002, 6:52 pm
- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
Rick Allnutt -- 11/25/2002, 8:29 pm- use a paper underlay with your design on it
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/26/2002, 12:01 am- Re: use a paper underlay with your design on it
Rick Allnutt -- 11/26/2002, 8:46 am- going the paper route
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/26/2002, 9:31 pm- Long posts - I look forward to them
Rick Allnutt -- 11/27/2002, 8:21 am
- Long posts - I look forward to them
- Re: use a paper underlay with your design on it
Rick Allnutt -- 11/26/2002, 8:13 am- Re: use a paper underlay with your design on it *LINK*
Elliott -- 11/26/2002, 8:46 am- The _guy_ who made that boat?
charles w -- 11/26/2002, 12:05 pm- It could have been a dog
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/27/2002, 3:36 am- Re: The _guy_ who made that boat?
*NM* *Pic*
Elliott -- 11/26/2002, 2:20 pm - Re: The _guy_ who made that boat?
- It could have been a dog
- The _guy_ who made that boat?
- going the paper route
- Re: use a paper underlay with your design on it
- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays *NM*
Myrl Tanton -- 11/25/2002, 6:14 pm- That was dumb...anyways *LINK*
Myrl Tanton -- 11/25/2002, 6:24 pm
- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
mike allen -- 11/25/2002, 5:29 pm- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
Ted Henry -- 11/25/2002, 5:13 pm- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays *LINK* *Pic*
Steve Frederick -- 11/25/2002, 5:05 pm- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
steven hartmann -- 11/25/2002, 3:50 pm - Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays
- Re: Strip: Decorative Deck Inlays