Re: Strip: Fillers and epoxy questions *LINK*
By:Bobby Curtis
Date: 12/5/2002, 12:10 pm
Date: 12/5/2002, 12:10 pm
In Response To: Strip: Fillers and epoxy questions (Lennie Hawkins)
I had a similar question on fillers and ended up using used Zar latex wood filler and a latex artist colors to tint it.
Here is the link to the thread on this BB that answered my question.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Fillers and epoxy questions
Lennie Hawkins -- 12/5/2002, 10:37 am- Re: Strip: Fillers and epoxy questions
Jeff The Tall -- 12/6/2002, 3:50 pm- Re: Strip: Fillers and epoxy questions
Chip Sandresky -- 12/5/2002, 1:09 pm- Re: Strip: Fillers and epoxy questions *LINK*
Bobby Curtis -- 12/5/2002, 12:10 pm - Re: Strip: Fillers and epoxy questions
- Re: Strip: Fillers and epoxy questions