Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it! *LINK* *Pic*
By:Steve Frederick
Date: 12/12/2002, 6:44 pm
Date: 12/12/2002, 6:44 pm
In Response To: Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it! (Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks)
Hello all, Pam gave me a sample of the sections she milled to get that cool coaming.
She used a pattern rig and a router to mill the parts from a strip of the appropriate wood to match the strip on the deck. She then sanded the sections to get the curve right. She used a similar technique to build the seat, sections roughly shaped to fit her, then several were clamped together, aligned to match the deck pattern, shifted till right, glued up and sanded to final "comfort". Lots of work, great craftsmanship!! Pics of the seat on the Newfound page at my site.
Hope this helps,

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: kayak construction technique? *Pic*
warren -- 12/12/2002, 1:33 pm- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?
Chip Sandresky -- 12/12/2002, 3:20 pm- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?
Jeff The Tall -- 12/13/2002, 5:40 pm- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/13/2002, 9:17 pm- Re: Coaming: Hey Dale Frolander!
Shawn Baker -- 12/13/2002, 6:47 pm- Here I am (Pic Link) *LINK*
Dale Frolander -- 12/14/2002, 3:57 am- Re: Coaming: Hey Dale Frolander! *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 12/13/2002, 8:24 pm - Re: Coaming: Hey Dale Frolander! *Pic*
- Re: Coaming: Hey Dale Frolander!
- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?
- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? NO PICTURE! *NM*
Jim Kozel -- 12/12/2002, 1:42 pm- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it!
Jim Kozel -- 12/12/2002, 2:15 pm- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it!
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/12/2002, 4:41 pm- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 12/12/2002, 7:49 pm- Even more impressive when you know how. *NM*
Don Flowers -- 12/13/2002, 10:25 am- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic
warren -- 12/12/2002, 9:03 pm- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic
Steve Frederick -- 12/12/2002, 8:19 pm- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic
Scott Ferguson -- 12/13/2002, 11:53 am- Re: Cockpit combing construction plan
warren -- 12/13/2002, 2:37 pm
- Re: Cockpit combing construction plan
- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic
- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it! *LINK* *Pic*
Steve Frederick -- 12/12/2002, 6:44 pm - Even more impressive when you know how. *NM*
- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it! *LINK*
warren -- 12/12/2002, 3:52 pm- Re: Strip: THANX! *NM*
Steve Frederick -- 12/12/2002, 8:32 pm- Time... well spent *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 12/12/2002, 4:11 pm - Time... well spent *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic *Pic*
- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it!
- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?
- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?