Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic *Pic*
By:Scott Ferguson
Date: 12/12/2002, 7:49 pm
Date: 12/12/2002, 7:49 pm
In Response To: Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it! (Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks)
To me, this is the most impressive photo showing the entire seat. This is more than just a cool effect, it's breathtaking. It's craftsmanship like this that raises the bar for the rest of us to reach. Definately the coolest looking coaming/cockpit I have ever seen (sorry Shawn yours is second ). Thanks Warren, Chip & Steve for bringing these photos back to life. It's inspiring to see.
: Pam built the coaming by first milling a couple long pieces with the desired
: shape. She then cut short wedges which were adjusted to fit with a disk or
: belt sander.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: kayak construction technique? *Pic*
warren -- 12/12/2002, 1:33 pm- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?
Chip Sandresky -- 12/12/2002, 3:20 pm- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?
Jeff The Tall -- 12/13/2002, 5:40 pm- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/13/2002, 9:17 pm- Re: Coaming: Hey Dale Frolander!
Shawn Baker -- 12/13/2002, 6:47 pm- Here I am (Pic Link) *LINK*
Dale Frolander -- 12/14/2002, 3:57 am- Re: Coaming: Hey Dale Frolander! *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 12/13/2002, 8:24 pm - Re: Coaming: Hey Dale Frolander! *Pic*
- Re: Coaming: Hey Dale Frolander!
- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?
- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? NO PICTURE! *NM*
Jim Kozel -- 12/12/2002, 1:42 pm- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it!
Jim Kozel -- 12/12/2002, 2:15 pm- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it!
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/12/2002, 4:41 pm- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 12/12/2002, 7:49 pm- Even more impressive when you know how. *NM*
Don Flowers -- 12/13/2002, 10:25 am- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic
warren -- 12/12/2002, 9:03 pm- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic
Steve Frederick -- 12/12/2002, 8:19 pm- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic
Scott Ferguson -- 12/13/2002, 11:53 am- Re: Cockpit combing construction plan
warren -- 12/13/2002, 2:37 pm
- Re: Cockpit combing construction plan
- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic
- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it! *LINK* *Pic*
Steve Frederick -- 12/12/2002, 6:44 pm - Even more impressive when you know how. *NM*
- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it! *LINK*
warren -- 12/12/2002, 3:52 pm- Re: Strip: THANX! *NM*
Steve Frederick -- 12/12/2002, 8:32 pm- Time... well spent *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 12/12/2002, 4:11 pm - Time... well spent *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Most Impressive Pic *Pic*
- Re: Strip: kayak coaming technique? Now I see it!
- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?
- Re: Strip: kayak construction technique?