Re: I've always lived 5 minutes from salt water *Pic*
By:Scott Ferguson
Date: 12/13/2002, 10:46 pm
Date: 12/13/2002, 10:46 pm
In Response To: Re: You have a GAME PLAN for the future??? *LINK* (Roger Nuffer)
: Here's what I'm using for an oscillating sander. You have to hook up an
: exhaust system or eat it messes it up a bit. But for the price... $239 at
: Home Depot. Can use either a belt or spindles.
: So the game plan is to live within an hour of the Pacific ocean. We're drying
: up like prunes out here. MY wife told me to brush up on my resume' but
: we're actually not planning on moving for one more year.
: Roger
Congrats Roger on making the transition to this area. I should be saying STAY AWAY, but I won't. It's getting crowded over here on the West Coast, but it's a great place to live. This is the sander I was refering to...
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Grizzly
Roger Nuffer -- 12/12/2002, 11:21 am- Re: Tools: Grizzly
mike arnopol -- 12/12/2002, 7:58 pm- Re: Tools: Grizzly
Alan -- 12/27/2004, 7:13 pm- Re: Tools: Glad to here it.
Scott Ferguson -- 12/13/2002, 10:53 pm - Re: Tools: Glad to here it.
- Re: Tools: Grizzly *LINK* *Pic*
Steve Frederick -- 12/12/2002, 6:52 pm- Re: Tools: Grizzly
Rick Allnutt -- 12/12/2002, 5:28 pm- Re: Tools: Grizzly
Scott Ferguson -- 12/12/2002, 12:01 pm- Re: Tools: Grizzly
Jim Kozel -- 12/12/2002, 1:45 pm- Re: Tools: Grizzly
Roger Nuffer -- 12/13/2002, 2:30 pm- Re: Tools: Grizzly
Bill Price -- 12/13/2002, 2:46 pm- Re: Tools: Two peas in a pod
Roger Nuffer -- 12/13/2002, 6:38 pm- You have a GAME PLAN for the future???
Scott Ferguson -- 12/13/2002, 7:22 pm- Re: You have a GAME PLAN for the future??? *LINK*
Roger Nuffer -- 12/13/2002, 9:05 pm- Re: I've always lived 5 minutes from salt water *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 12/13/2002, 10:46 pm- Re: I've always lived 5 minutes from salt water
Roger Nuffer -- 12/14/2002, 11:04 am
- Re: I've always lived 5 minutes from salt water
- Re: I've always lived 5 minutes from salt water *Pic*
- Re: You have a GAME PLAN for the future??? *LINK*
- You have a GAME PLAN for the future???
- Re: Tools: Two peas in a pod
- Re: Tools: Grizzly
steven hartmann -- 12/12/2002, 3:20 pm - Re: Tools: Grizzly
- Re: Tools: Grizzly
- Re: Tools: Grizzly
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 12/12/2002, 11:53 am- Re: Tools: Grizzly (Thanks for all the help)
Roger Nuffer -- 12/12/2002, 8:55 pm
- Re: Tools: Grizzly
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/12/2002, 11:38 am- Re: Tools: Chicago Electric from Harbor Freight
Shawn Baker -- 12/13/2002, 6:49 pm- Re: Tools: Grizzly vs. Chicago Tools
Scott Ferguson -- 12/13/2002, 7:12 pm
- Re: Tools: Grizzly Cordless Tools?
Scott Ferguson -- 12/13/2002, 12:24 pm - Re: Tools: Grizzly vs. Chicago Tools
- Re: Tools: Grizzly
- Re: Tools: Grizzly