Date: 12/14/2002, 2:39 am
: I knew that building this sea kayak would cut into my paddling time. What I
: didn't count on was the paddling time lost after construction answering
: questions from envious paddlers in plastic boats.
: I hadn't seen a strip built kayak in Australia before and it seems few of the
: paddlers I have met here in Canberra or on the coast have seen one either.
: In fact my only contact with other strippers has been through this
: bulletin board.
: I am most impressed with how well the Night Heron tracks, how easily it turns
: and how well it handles choppy conditions. On a very windy day with white
: topped waves on Tuross Lake, paddling with, against or across the waves
: felt much safer than I would have expected from a 20" wide kayak. The
: waves were big enough to surf on with about 1/4 normal paddling effort,
: yet even sitting sideways with the occasional wave breaking onto the
: spraydeck felt safe enough.
Hi Allan
Congrats on the launch. Sure like the lines of that Night Heron.
What woods did you use? Really subtle color difference. I like that.
One thing though, If you're gonna talk about all that wind and waves, don't put that little puddle picture on the post. lol
I'll have to look at my map and see where you are. Not familiar with Canberra. It's koool having a one of a kind isn't it ?? You'll probably be making some more converts over in that area with your boat.
Any other pics?? Construction?
Anything else in the works for you?
Happy Paddling !!
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: Night Heron in Australia *Pic*
Allan Newhouse -- 12/14/2002, 2:10 am- Re: Launching: Night Heron in Australia
John Burt -- 12/15/2002, 10:49 pm- Re: Launching: Night Heron in Australia
LeeG -- 12/14/2002, 7:40 pm- Night Heron
greg root -- 12/15/2002, 11:57 am- Re: Launching: Night Heron in Australia
Allan Newhouse -- 12/14/2002, 9:24 pm- Re: Launching: Night Heron in Australia
LeeG -- 12/15/2002, 10:29 am- Re: Launching: Night Heron in Australia
Paul Lund -- 12/15/2002, 5:27 am - Re: Launching: Night Heron in Australia
- Re: Launching: Night Heron in Australia
- Beautiful job...great lines! *NM*
Bob Deutsch -- 12/14/2002, 5:52 pm- Summer Paddling...
Rick Allnutt -- 12/14/2002, 7:32 am- Re: Summer Paddling...
Steve Frederick -- 12/14/2002, 10:47 am
- Re: Nice lines... Good lookin' boat!!
Rehd -- 12/14/2002, 2:39 am- Re: Nice lines... Good lookin' boat!! *Pic*
Allan Newhouse -- 12/14/2002, 10:24 pm- Re: Nice lines... Good lookin' boat!! *Pic*
Allan Newhouse -- 12/14/2002, 10:08 pm - Re: Nice lines... Good lookin' boat!! *Pic*
- Re: Launching: Night Heron in Australia
- Re: Launching: Night Heron in Australia