Date: 12/16/2002, 4:55 am
: Greetings: I am about to build a pair of CLC Mill Creek 13s from plans. I
: must keep
: these boats cheap, cheap, cheap... or not make them at all. And I have got
: to get out of these 10-foot Tupperware boats!
: Here's the deal: I want to substitute 1/8" luaun "doorskin"
: for okoume.
: CLC says I'll go straight to the bottom if I do. I can't believe it's all
: that bad. And it's a matter of $80 in wood versus $300.
: I could sure stand a little experienced advice on this matter. Thanks!
: Kurt
: on
: Galveston Bay
G'day Kurt,
Luaun with lots of hollow spaces inside it, and/or a dodgy glass job will not work out well.
If it's a matter of building with Luaun, or not building, go with the Luaun and get busy.
If you do go with the Luaun, buy sheets that are all solid wood with no hollow areas and you should be fine. Pick the good ones out of the stack wherever you buy it. Totally think the glassing part of the job through before you start it, and you should end up with a reasonably robust end result.
I built Nick's S&G out of 3mm (1/8") Luaun. I glassed the outside with 6oz glass, and used 3" tape on the inside seams. 6oz glass on the cockpit floor and the whole inside coated with epoxy. I had to paint it cause it looked like Sh*t (but hey, I built it in a space 4' x 18'), but a nice coat of white paint and wooden fittings looks pretty good. Just take a look in woodenboat magasine if you don't believe me
I built it back in '97, or '98. It still looks great and is as sound as a bell. I can see absolutly no evidence of structural failure due to the use of Luan (maybe 'cause it's under all that paint ).
Some companies say to only use okoume because:
a) They've got some to sell.
b) They know that each boat made to their plans is an advertisement for their product and so they want these boats to look as good as possible.
c) They know that each boat made to their plans that structually fails due to poor materials is a bad advertisement for them, especially if they said the luaun was ok. So it's a case of recomending a material that conforms to a well accepted standard (BS1088), and covering their asses.
Have Fun
Botany Bay
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Kurt Maurer -- 12/16/2002, 12:35 am- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
SteveR -- 12/16/2002, 2:02 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Kurt Maurer -- 12/16/2002, 2:45 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Dan Ruff -- 12/16/2002, 2:26 pm - Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Dan Ruff -- 12/16/2002, 1:02 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Dan Ruff -- 12/16/2002, 1:14 pm
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Randy -- 12/16/2002, 10:06 am- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/16/2002, 9:12 am- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
David Hanson -- 12/16/2002, 8:21 am- Re: 1/4 vs. 1/8
Mike Hanks -- 12/17/2002, 1:48 am- Laun and Cirrus
grant -- 12/16/2002, 6:08 pm- Re: Laun and Cirrus
David Hanson -- 12/16/2002, 6:28 pm- Big Panels!
grant -- 12/16/2002, 6:57 pm- what is wt diff betw luan and okoume??
mike allen -- 12/16/2002, 7:13 pm- Okoume Weights *LINK*
grant -- 12/16/2002, 7:28 pm- Re: Okoume Weights
Chris -- 12/16/2002, 10:28 pm- Its the Sales Tax
grant -- 12/16/2002, 11:26 pm- this is how they turn them into metric sizes
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/17/2002, 11:10 pm
- this is how they turn them into metric sizes
- anyone know any 1/8" luan wts??
mike allen -- 12/16/2002, 9:28 pm - Its the Sales Tax
- Re: Plywood weight *LINK*
Chris Moore -- 12/16/2002, 7:26 pm - Re: Okoume Weights
- Okoume Weights *LINK*
- what is wt diff betw luan and okoume??
- Big Panels!
- Laun and Cirrus
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
LeeG -- 12/16/2002, 8:00 am- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Dan Ruff -- 12/16/2002, 1:08 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
LeeG -- 12/16/2002, 4:00 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative Seats?
Kurt Maurer -- 12/16/2002, 3:14 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative Seats?
LeeG -- 12/16/2002, 3:55 pm
- Re: S&G: Alternative Seats?
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Paul Lund -- 12/16/2002, 4:55 am- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Mark Kopp -- 12/16/2002, 1:12 am - Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?