Date: 12/16/2002, 12:26 pm
Hi Kent,
Too much to extrapolate...taxes the mind. Isn't it great?!
As of now, Bottom of Keel to top of Gunnels on the AA is 7". I have the "masik" 3" forward of center, and 8 3/4" inside; 9 3/4" outside.
Coaming to be 24" long.
Still trying to figure out the footbrace. Hoping somehow that the "masik" (Form , and the "footbrace" (form 6) will work out...but it sounds like I'll be a little tight, given your dimensions. I'm 27" from CL to footbrace.
The whole boat is up on a strongback, so it sort of precludes a personal fit...that and never having been in a traditional SOF is really taxing my SWAG skills.
: Now your really taxing my memory. As I remember I have the back of the masik
: 5" forward the center line. The deck beam just aft the cockpit is
: 13" aft the center (best I remember) So that makes the opening
: 18". The deck height aft the cockpit from bottom of the keel to top
: of the deck beam is 5-3/4" and the masik to bottom of the keel is
: about 7-3/8" (best I remember) 8-1/2" to the top of the masik. I
: can't remember for the life of me what the dimension to the foot brace is
: but I think it was 31" from center line to brace. My inseam is
: 30". I made the cockpit coaming form yesterday but haven't measured
: it yet. I took the ocean size small cockpit form from the last boat and
: cut about 3/4" off all the way around.
: If I Don't get to lazy tonight I'll see if I can get some pics of the new
: frame. I used a mortis and tenon method of construction this time but the
: difference is I made them blind mortises using my router and a home made
: jig. So as you look at the outside of the gunnels you don't see a tenon or
: lashings.
: Kent
Messages In This Thread
- Skin-on-Frame: Masik
Elliott -- 12/15/2002, 4:37 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Masik
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/16/2002, 6:16 am- Re: Other dimensions..
Shawn Baker -- 12/16/2002, 10:53 am- Re: Other dimensions..
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/16/2002, 11:48 am- Re: Folding Anas Acuta
Shawn Baker -- 12/16/2002, 12:26 pm- Actual measurements
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/17/2002, 6:17 am
- Re: Other dimensions..
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/16/2002, 11:55 am- Re: Other dimensions..
West -- 12/17/2002, 2:11 pm- Re: Other dimensions..
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/18/2002, 6:12 am
- Re: Folding Greenland kayak *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 12/16/2002, 12:48 pm - Re: Other dimensions..
- Actual measurements
- Re: Folding Anas Acuta
- Re: Other dimensions..
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Masik
West -- 12/15/2002, 6:45 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Masik *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/15/2002, 6:58 pm- Thanks Guys *NM*
Elliott -- 12/15/2002, 8:22 pm
- Thanks Guys *NM*
- Re: Other dimensions..
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Masik