Boat Building Forum

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Re: Folding Anas Acuta
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 12/16/2002, 12:26 pm
In Response To: Re: Other dimensions.. (Kent LeBoutillier)

Hi Kent,

Too much to extrapolate...taxes the mind. Isn't it great?!

As of now, Bottom of Keel to top of Gunnels on the AA is 7". I have the "masik" 3" forward of center, and 8 3/4" inside; 9 3/4" outside.

Coaming to be 24" long.

Still trying to figure out the footbrace. Hoping somehow that the "masik" (Form 8), and the "footbrace" (form 6) will work out...but it sounds like I'll be a little tight, given your dimensions. I'm 27" from CL to footbrace. :|

The whole boat is up on a strongback, so it sort of precludes a personal fit...that and never having been in a traditional SOF is really taxing my SWAG skills.


: Now your really taxing my memory. As I remember I have the back of the masik
: 5" forward the center line. The deck beam just aft the cockpit is
: 13" aft the center (best I remember) So that makes the opening
: 18". The deck height aft the cockpit from bottom of the keel to top
: of the deck beam is 5-3/4" and the masik to bottom of the keel is
: about 7-3/8" (best I remember) 8-1/2" to the top of the masik. I
: can't remember for the life of me what the dimension to the foot brace is
: but I think it was 31" from center line to brace. My inseam is
: 30". I made the cockpit coaming form yesterday but haven't measured
: it yet. I took the ocean size small cockpit form from the last boat and
: cut about 3/4" off all the way around.

: If I Don't get to lazy tonight I'll see if I can get some pics of the new
: frame. I used a mortis and tenon method of construction this time but the
: difference is I made them blind mortises using my router and a home made
: jig. So as you look at the outside of the gunnels you don't see a tenon or
: lashings.

: Kent

Messages In This Thread

Skin-on-Frame: Masik
Elliott -- 12/15/2002, 4:37 pm
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Masik
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/16/2002, 6:16 am
Re: Other dimensions..
Shawn Baker -- 12/16/2002, 10:53 am
Re: Other dimensions..
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/16/2002, 11:48 am
Re: Folding Anas Acuta
Shawn Baker -- 12/16/2002, 12:26 pm
Actual measurements
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/17/2002, 6:17 am
Re: Other dimensions..
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/16/2002, 11:55 am
Re: Other dimensions..
West -- 12/17/2002, 2:11 pm
Re: Other dimensions..
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/18/2002, 6:12 am
Re: Folding Greenland kayak *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 12/16/2002, 12:48 pm
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Masik
West -- 12/15/2002, 6:45 pm
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Masik *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/15/2002, 6:58 pm
Thanks Guys *NM*
Elliott -- 12/15/2002, 8:22 pm