From what I am seeing, the luaun plywood oughta work just fine on my Mill Creek 13s. Thanks to everyone who has responded. From my little shopping excursion today, it looks like 1/8" mahogany ply @ $8.xx/sheet will be decent looking to boot.
The latest estimate I have on my project is finished two boats, completely rigged out, just under $500, excluding consumables such as sandpaper, masking tape, brushes, etc. This is for *two* boats, mind you. They're at leat $600 each doing things the CLC way. I'd love to be more cooperative with them, but as I said originally, I must either build them cheap or not build them at all. And I was raised too close to cajun country not be able to build a cheap boat if'n I wanna.
To all who have expressed concern, I will have an experienced boat builder friend assisting me on this project, and I am a very experienced woodworker myself. I will be posting a website showing my progress as soon as it is underway for anyone who may be interested. I promise to show any failures as well as my successes, for all you sports fans.
: Kurt,
: I was eyeing the Millcreek as a possible fun/inexpensive boat for my young
: daughter until I realized that the kit price is not much cheaper than
: CLC's other boats. If I may ask, what are you guessing for an overall cost
: per boat to build with luan. I'm not sure I can bring myself to subsitute
: the wood, but...
: Steve
: from Duxbury Bay
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Kurt Maurer -- 12/16/2002, 12:35 am- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
SteveR -- 12/16/2002, 2:02 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Kurt Maurer -- 12/16/2002, 2:45 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Dan Ruff -- 12/16/2002, 2:26 pm - Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Dan Ruff -- 12/16/2002, 1:02 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Dan Ruff -- 12/16/2002, 1:14 pm
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Randy -- 12/16/2002, 10:06 am- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/16/2002, 9:12 am- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
David Hanson -- 12/16/2002, 8:21 am- Re: 1/4 vs. 1/8
Mike Hanks -- 12/17/2002, 1:48 am- Laun and Cirrus
grant -- 12/16/2002, 6:08 pm- Re: Laun and Cirrus
David Hanson -- 12/16/2002, 6:28 pm- Big Panels!
grant -- 12/16/2002, 6:57 pm- what is wt diff betw luan and okoume??
mike allen -- 12/16/2002, 7:13 pm- Okoume Weights *LINK*
grant -- 12/16/2002, 7:28 pm- Re: Okoume Weights
Chris -- 12/16/2002, 10:28 pm- Its the Sales Tax
grant -- 12/16/2002, 11:26 pm- this is how they turn them into metric sizes
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/17/2002, 11:10 pm
- this is how they turn them into metric sizes
- anyone know any 1/8" luan wts??
mike allen -- 12/16/2002, 9:28 pm - Its the Sales Tax
- Re: Plywood weight *LINK*
Chris Moore -- 12/16/2002, 7:26 pm - Re: Okoume Weights
- Okoume Weights *LINK*
- what is wt diff betw luan and okoume??
- Big Panels!
- Laun and Cirrus
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
LeeG -- 12/16/2002, 8:00 am- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Dan Ruff -- 12/16/2002, 1:08 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
LeeG -- 12/16/2002, 4:00 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative Seats?
Kurt Maurer -- 12/16/2002, 3:14 pm- Re: S&G: Alternative Seats?
LeeG -- 12/16/2002, 3:55 pm
- Re: S&G: Alternative Seats?
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Paul Lund -- 12/16/2002, 4:55 am- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
Mark Kopp -- 12/16/2002, 1:12 am - Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?
- Re: S&G: Alternative to Real Wood?