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Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
Date: 12/19/2002, 12:58 am
In Response To: Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels (Paul G. Jacobson)

: There are definite preferences among
: brands and models of sabre saws. Cheap ones will work, but those who have
: used the more expensive sabre saws with orbital cutting action just love
: 'em.

I did a quick search on the internet, and the only "sabre saw" with "orbital" anything that came up was a Makita on sale for $210. That's probably not going to happen right away. I had kinda been thinking that it would be difficult to get a really true cut along a panel edge with a saber saw - isn't there a tendency to wander?

: Some people have Japanese pull saws and they use them whenever they can. If
: you are going to cut by hand then this would be a good tool to use. Again,
: use the utility knife to score the plywood first.

I guess that would be the "economy" solution - which may be the one I'm left with for now, whether I like it or not.

: Some people use circular saws, some use handsaws. Then there are some who use
: rotozip tools, routers with panel trimming bits, or pattern cutting bits,
: or laminate trimmers. You can get a real neat cut with a cutting laser
: attached to a computer, if you have the money for such things.

Well, I'm pretty sure there's no computer-guided laser-cutting tool in my future. I'll likely stick with the more conventional solutions! Thanks!

And by the way, Paul, I'm asking about this because of your advice to consider building from plans rather than a kit. I've done the math, and figured I'm looking at something like 400 linear feet of cutting. Looks like an excuse to buy a tool! Or, as my wife will probably wisely say - "looks like an excuse to go borrow the neighbor's saber saw."

I believe you're right, though... I can probably build the kayak and buy a couple of new power tools for the cost of the kit.

Messages In This Thread

Tools: cutting S&G panels
Peter -- 12/18/2002, 11:32 pm
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
Myrl Tanton -- 12/19/2002, 2:58 pm
what to use on inside curves?
mike allen -- 12/19/2002, 5:38 pm
Re: Belt Sander
Rehd -- 12/19/2002, 9:44 pm
Re: what to use on inside curves?
Myrl Tanton -- 12/19/2002, 6:21 pm
Keep it cheap
Dan Ruff -- 12/19/2002, 1:58 pm
Re: Keep it cheap
warrren -- 12/19/2002, 2:28 pm
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels *LINK*
Severne -- 12/19/2002, 12:16 pm
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
Peter -- 12/19/2002, 9:17 pm
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
warrren -- 12/19/2002, 12:53 pm
$5 Stanley retractable utility blade
Tony -- 12/19/2002, 11:51 am
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels *LINK*
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 12/19/2002, 8:31 am
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
Kurt Maurer -- 12/19/2002, 11:29 am
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 12/19/2002, 11:58 am
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
Kurt Maurer -- 12/19/2002, 4:13 pm
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
steve hartmann -- 12/19/2002, 8:05 am
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels *LINK* *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 12/19/2002, 7:53 am
Re: DW 318 jigsaw
Shawn Baker -- 12/19/2002, 10:35 am
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/19/2002, 12:23 am
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
Peter -- 12/19/2002, 12:58 am
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels *Pic*
David Hanson -- 12/19/2002, 10:24 am
Re: Tools: cutting S&G panels
Mark Normand -- 12/19/2002, 9:15 am