Boat Building Forum

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Shop: Finally Getting Started - well almost
By:Charles Leach
Date: 12/19/2002, 9:24 am

Hey guys,

I'm finally getting started on my Guillemot L. I've got my strips milled and I started mounting the forms on the strongback yesterday afternoon. I'm hoping to keep better records of the process this time.

I thought things would go a little faster on this one but I've encountered lots of distractions and family things that required some time. My mother needs a little more attention these days and my brother had a tripple bypass a few weeks back and is not up to par just yet. I've had so many things to do lately that I don't have time to work anymore! But, I'm glad I'm able to help.

And to really slow me down, I sent my wife to see Santa yesterday about a new ROS and she came home with a new computer so you all know where I spent the night!! This thing has so much stuff on it compared to the old "Noah's Arkker" that I've got to see if my brother feels up to helping me figure some of it out. I don't know much about cpu's - but then there are people who say I don't know much about anything! I just hope my wife knows the ROS would have been much cheaper!!

Anyway, so much for chasing off topic rabbits. Maybe after the first of the year I'll be able to make some headway on the L.

. . . now if I can figure out a way to get that digital camera . . . hmmmm - -send her back to town for some sanding disks ? ? ?

Happy Building, Paddling, and Holidays.
