Re: I gotta' know... *Pic*
In Response To: I gotta' know... (Brian Nystrom)
: ...what "SWMBO" means!
She who must be obeyed.
Think of it as a legal term, or a lawyer joke.
The term comes from a series of books, by john Mortimer, and the British series "Rumpole of the Bailey" which came from those books in the late 1970's.
The lead character, a barrister named Horace Rumpole refers to his wife, Hilda, as "She who must be obeyed."
A website regarding this is:
Leo McKern, who played the part of Rumple, passed away July 23, 2002 at the age of 82.

Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Planer Advice
Gordon Snapp -- 12/18/2002, 10:01 pm- Re: Tools: Planer Advice *LINK*
Dave Houser -- 12/19/2002, 8:32 pm- Re: Tools:Planer-Makes use of recycled lumber
Scott Ferguson -- 12/19/2002, 2:31 pm- Re: Tools:Planer-Makes use of recycled lumber
Chad Hanson -- 12/19/2002, 2:46 pm- I've got the Dewalt, too.
Brian Nystrom -- 12/20/2002, 1:55 pm
- I've got the Dewalt, too.
- Re: Tools: Planer Advice
Jim Kozel -- 12/19/2002, 8:20 am- Re: Tools: Planer Advice - warning!!!
Roy Morford -- 12/19/2002, 11:52 am- Re: Tools: Planer Advice - warning!!!
warrren -- 12/19/2002, 1:09 pm- I gotta' know...
Brian Nystrom -- 12/19/2002, 12:46 pm- Re: I gotta' know... *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/19/2002, 9:37 pm- Re: I gotta' know...
Liz Leedham -- 12/20/2002, 8:49 am- and if ya gotta know more . . . OT *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/20/2002, 7:56 pm
- and if ya gotta know more . . . OT *Pic*
- Re: I gotta' know...She Who Must Be Obeyed *NM*
Roy Morford -- 12/19/2002, 12:58 pm- I used to have a SWTSMBO...
Brian Nystrom -- 12/19/2002, 1:09 pm- SWMBO wants *another* boat!
Travis Kinchen -- 12/19/2002, 5:41 pm- Re: SWMBO wants *another* boat!
Brian Nystrom -- 12/20/2002, 1:52 pm
- Re: SWMBO wants *another* boat!
- SWMBO wants *another* boat!
- Re: I gotta' know...
- I gotta' know...
- Re: Tools: Planer Advice - warning!!!
- Re: Tools: Planer Advice
Bobby Curtis -- 12/19/2002, 7:35 am- How much are you going to use this tool? *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/18/2002, 11:42 pm- Until I owned a planer...
Brian Nystrom -- 12/19/2002, 12:44 pm
- Re: Tools: Planer Advice
warrren -- 12/18/2002, 10:40 pm- Re: Tools: Planer Advice
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 12/18/2002, 10:24 pm- Re: Tools: Planer Advice
Randy Oswald -- 12/19/2002, 3:54 pm
- Re: Tools:Planer-Makes use of recycled lumber
- Re: Tools: Planer Advice *LINK*