: The term used in the Rumpole series originally came from a Victorian
: romance/adventure novel "She" by Rider Haggard about Ayesha or
: "She Who Must Be Obeyed" the queen of a mysterious lost African
: kingdom. It just made my day to be able to add something to a PGJ post
: On the downside, you have to be old enough to remember reading it as a kid
Um, that would make you pretty old, but obviously age has not diminished your memory.
Could very well be that John Mortimer's barrister stole the line from an older novel, or even an old film. Yes, even for a character based in the 1960's that would have been an old film.
The first instance I can find of a film made from this H. Rider Haggard novel was in 1899, and titled "La Colonne de feu" It is also known as "She: the pillar of Fire".
The movie "She" has been remade many times. I guess someone in Hollywood hasn't seen it yet.
Hagard himself was born in 1856 and died in 1925. This link will bring you to a short biography: http://us.imdb.com/Name?Haggard,%20H.%20Rider
The filmography of H. Rider Haggard is at:
Check out the writeup for the 1965/I version of the movie.
Ayesha shows up in titles in later films, such as "The Vengence of She" (poster shown below)
Thanks for the response, and the careful reading of my posts -- even the off topic ones.

Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Planer Advice
Gordon Snapp -- 12/18/2002, 10:01 pm- Re: Tools: Planer Advice *LINK*
Dave Houser -- 12/19/2002, 8:32 pm- Re: Tools:Planer-Makes use of recycled lumber
Scott Ferguson -- 12/19/2002, 2:31 pm- Re: Tools:Planer-Makes use of recycled lumber
Chad Hanson -- 12/19/2002, 2:46 pm- I've got the Dewalt, too.
Brian Nystrom -- 12/20/2002, 1:55 pm
- I've got the Dewalt, too.
- Re: Tools: Planer Advice
Jim Kozel -- 12/19/2002, 8:20 am- Re: Tools: Planer Advice - warning!!!
Roy Morford -- 12/19/2002, 11:52 am- Re: Tools: Planer Advice - warning!!!
warrren -- 12/19/2002, 1:09 pm- I gotta' know...
Brian Nystrom -- 12/19/2002, 12:46 pm- Re: I gotta' know... *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/19/2002, 9:37 pm- Re: I gotta' know...
Liz Leedham -- 12/20/2002, 8:49 am- and if ya gotta know more . . . OT *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/20/2002, 7:56 pm
- and if ya gotta know more . . . OT *Pic*
- Re: I gotta' know...She Who Must Be Obeyed *NM*
Roy Morford -- 12/19/2002, 12:58 pm- I used to have a SWTSMBO...
Brian Nystrom -- 12/19/2002, 1:09 pm- SWMBO wants *another* boat!
Travis Kinchen -- 12/19/2002, 5:41 pm- Re: SWMBO wants *another* boat!
Brian Nystrom -- 12/20/2002, 1:52 pm
- Re: SWMBO wants *another* boat!
- SWMBO wants *another* boat!
- Re: I gotta' know...
- I gotta' know...
- Re: Tools: Planer Advice - warning!!!
- Re: Tools: Planer Advice
Bobby Curtis -- 12/19/2002, 7:35 am- How much are you going to use this tool? *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/18/2002, 11:42 pm- Until I owned a planer...
Brian Nystrom -- 12/19/2002, 12:44 pm
- Re: Tools: Planer Advice
warrren -- 12/18/2002, 10:40 pm- Re: Tools: Planer Advice
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 12/18/2002, 10:24 pm- Re: Tools: Planer Advice
Randy Oswald -- 12/19/2002, 3:54 pm
- Re: Tools:Planer-Makes use of recycled lumber
- Re: Tools: Planer Advice *LINK*