Other: Compass of Choice?
Date: 12/22/2002, 12:33 pm
Date: 12/22/2002, 12:33 pm
Currently I have a Orca compass which is a strap on variety made by Suunto.
I am thinking of installing a built in compass that one can also set the declination. Suunto also manufactures the Pilot which is a low profile compass. Ritchie makes a Kayaker, Tactician and Explorer models which are flush mount as well.
Any thoughts on these or any other models one should consider?
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Compass of Choice?
grant -- 12/22/2002, 12:33 pm- Re: Other: Compass of Choice?
Craig Bethune -- 12/24/2002, 8:02 am - Re: Other: Compass of Choice?
Ed Falis -- 12/24/2002, 12:00 am- Re: Other: Compass - how about
Roy Morford -- 12/24/2002, 2:10 am
- Re: Other: Compass - how about
- Just curious, but why is this feature desirable?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/23/2002, 10:51 pm- Re: Just curious, but why is this feature desirabl
grant -- 12/23/2002, 11:04 pm- Re: Just curious, but why is this feature desirabl
Shawn Baker -- 12/24/2002, 10:46 am - Re: Just curious, but why is this feature desirabl
Rick Allnutt -- 12/24/2002, 6:44 am
- Re: Just curious, but why is this feature desirabl
- Re: Just curious, but why is this feature desirabl
- Compass Review in Kayak Touring 2003
grant -- 12/23/2002, 5:10 pm - Rephrasing the Question of Compasses
grant -- 12/23/2002, 11:09 am- re: Compasses *LINK*
John Schroeder -- 12/23/2002, 6:16 pm - Re: Rephrasing the Question of Compasses
Don Lucas -- 12/23/2002, 1:13 pm - Re: Richie Sailor II *LINK* *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 12/23/2002, 12:57 pm- Re: Richie Sailor II
grant -- 12/23/2002, 2:33 pm
- Re: Richie Sailor II
- re: Compasses *LINK*
- Re: Other: Compass of Choice?
Rick Allnutt -- 12/22/2002, 8:36 pm- I agree "Buy the Book"
Timothy -- 12/23/2002, 10:29 am - Re: Other: Compass of Choice?
grant -- 12/23/2002, 10:27 am
- I agree "Buy the Book"
- Re: Other: Compass of Choice?