Date: 12/24/2002, 2:54 pm
I just got finished lofting the panels for my latest boat. Last winter I built my first yak, a CLC CH17LT from a full kit. This winter I want to build another yak for my fiancee so we can paddle together. I took the CH17LT plans and scaled the overall length of the boat down by 4.167%, so that each 12" lofting station on the plans are now at 11.5". I call it a "CH16.3LT", longest panel length is 195.5". THis length allowed me to fit the longest panels onto blank strips that are made from only 1 scarf joint in the middle (where as the CH17LT plans call for 2 scarfs on each panel to reach 17".
I took inspiration from shawn bakers modified panel layout (which were for a CH17). I found that with carefull use of the panel layout, it is possible to build the hull AND deck of my CH16.3lt from just 2 sheets of Okoume.
YOu need 14.5" and 15.5" of plywood width to do the all 4 of the bottom panels, then, do both of the stern sides in a 11" width and one of the bow side panels from in the remaining 7" of the first sheet (48" total width). Then you just need to use a 7" strip off the second panel for the last bow side panel, leaving a 41" width panel for both of the deck coverings. The fit to get all the 7 panels on the fist sheet is tight but doable, I would reccomend drawing out all the panels onto the wood first to achieve most efficient use of the wood. Probably would not work if using the taller standard CH (non-LT) panel widths. Remainder of the wood needed for bulkheads, combing etc will need to be sourced from another sheet (but does not necessarily need to be okoume).
I used BS1088 4mm Okoume from Edensaw (port towsend, WA) it was just $35/sheet (plus shipping) and they did an excellent job, I would highly reccomend Edensaw. With cheap wood prices and efficient panel layout, I can hardely see how it would be worthwile to skimp using Luane.
If lightweight is your thing, CLC recomends building the side panels from 3mm and the bottom panels from 4mm.
-Jason Gray
Anchorage, AK
: You guys... grrrr... Okay, I guess it'll be more okume for the decks then.
: How does 3mm Okume + 3.5 oz RAKA cloth sound for a Mill Creek 13?
: I am having less problems with my ears, by the way, especially after I took a
: 6-cell Maglite to the local plywood emporium. With it I saw plenty of
: voids in the wood where none were apparent upon close external
: examination. Yikes! Boy, am I ever glad I consulted this board. Thanks for
: helping this first-timer along!
: Now I find myself agonizing over whether to build the hulls from 3mm or 4mm
: okume. I wish to build light and cheap, but certainly not at the expense
: of structural integrity. I am budgeting for 4mm, but secretly hope that
: everyone will talk me into using 3mm...
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak? *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 12/23/2002, 11:44 pm- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak?
Mike Hanks -- 12/24/2002, 2:15 pm- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak? *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 12/24/2002, 2:41 pm- Re: S&G: $150 kayak
Mike Hanks -- 12/28/2002, 1:06 am - Epoxy, etc....
srchr/gerald -- 12/25/2002, 1:02 pm- Re: Epoxy, etc....
Kurt Maurer -- 12/26/2002, 12:43 am- Re: Why doesn't everyone use Raka
Mike Hanks -- 12/28/2002, 1:15 am - Re: Cheap! ?
Rehd -- 12/26/2002, 3:19 am- Re: Cheap! ? *LINK*
Ed Falis -- 12/26/2002, 12:10 pm- Progressive...
srchr -- 12/26/2002, 4:58 pm- Re: Progressive...
Ed Falis -- 12/26/2002, 5:06 pm
- Re: Progressive...
- Progressive...
- Re: Cheap! ? *LINK*
- Re: Epoxy, etc....
Chris -- 12/26/2002, 1:48 am
- Re: Why doesn't everyone use Raka
- Re: Epoxy, etc....
Charles Leach -- 12/25/2002, 4:55 pm- Re: Epoxy, etc.... *LINK*
Chris Moore -- 12/26/2002, 9:40 pm- Re: Epoxy, etc.... *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 12/26/2002, 10:39 pm
- Re: Epoxy, etc.... *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Epoxy, etc.... *LINK*
- Re: Epoxy, etc....
- Re: S&G: $150 kayak
- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak? *LINK*
- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak?
sage -- 12/24/2002, 12:28 pm- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak? *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 12/24/2002, 2:20 pm- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak?
LeeG -- 12/28/2002, 8:26 am - Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak?
sage -- 12/24/2002, 3:01 pm - Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak?
Jason Gray -- 12/24/2002, 2:54 pm
- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak?
- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak? *LINK*
Chris Moore -- 12/24/2002, 12:43 pm
- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak? *LINK*
- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak?
srchr/gerald -- 12/24/2002, 11:31 am - Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak?
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 12/24/2002, 1:16 am
- Re: S&G: Deck the halls with... errr, oak?