Date: 12/26/2002, 1:49 pm
Well, as always...
Christmas was a great time with family and friends. Should have a day like this once a month. ( less gifts .. Whew! )
Things sorta backfired for me this year... For years I've told people ( family ) that when it came to tools, I'd rather buy my own as I knew more about them and what to buy. Folks usually get the cheapest tools they see if they are not familiar with them.
I sent out the hints in many directions that I was wanting a nice spoke-shave and/or a Japanese Pull Saw. Fully expecting to get at least one, I poured on the coal in getting everyone something VERY special.
Well, all my good advice over the years came back to haunt me when I got socks, jacket, Pictures ( framed ) for the walls, and my dear sister got me my all time favorite nuts ( cashews ). But..... no tools! Mom and little brother said there were soooo many brands and types they were afraid to choose, in that it may not be the right one. ( heavy sigh !! )
So, now I'm broke again and without a new tool. Well, the skin boats will not wait, but will have to take form from my collection of sanders and block plane.
Today is clean up day and hopefully, with enough time left over, put that last coat of resin/glass in the canoe and be done with it and get on with a couple of paddles and starting on the skin boats. The past 3 weeks were for everyone else, and now it's back to ME! ( and the grandkids )
Hmmmm!! Tax-time is coming around the corner..... could use that new Delta Unis..... No..... best left to another time.... Got work to do....
How'd ya'll do this year?? Any new toys for Christmas??
Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday, as I did ( regardless of my whimpering ) and again, hope that we can carry the sentiment over throughout the year to come. Take a little piece of Christmas with you into each day and your year will be plenty rewarding.
Hope all are well...
Messages In This Thread
- Other: So... What did YOU get???
Rehd -- 12/26/2002, 1:49 pm- So, what happens to HD gift certificates? *NM*
Tony -- 12/30/2002, 3:04 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Elliott -- 12/27/2002, 6:30 pm- Re: New Toy
Accessorize *Pic*
Rehd -- 12/29/2002, 3:47 am- one more accessory for you to build.
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/30/2002, 11:46 pm- Re: New Toy
Charles Leach -- 12/29/2002, 9:49 pm- Oops, can't believe I misspelled your name- sorry *NM*
Charles Leach -- 12/29/2002, 9:51 pm- Re: No Problem.....
Rehd -- 12/29/2002, 10:16 pm- A river with NO ATTITUDE is just a creek!! *NM*
Charles Leach -- 12/29/2002, 10:22 pm
- A river with NO ATTITUDE is just a creek!! *NM*
- Re: No Problem.....
- Re: New Toy
Elliott -- 12/29/2002, 9:15 am - Re: New Toy
- one more accessory for you to build.
- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
rob p -- 12/27/2002, 5:54 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Robert N Pruden -- 12/27/2002, 4:47 am- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Chris Moore -- 12/26/2002, 9:35 pm- Re: I got a corvette!
Don Beale -- 12/26/2002, 7:18 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Brian Nystrom -- 12/26/2002, 3:32 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Ken Sutherland -- 12/28/2002, 11:25 pm- Thank for the reminder
Brian Nystrom -- 12/30/2002, 12:19 pm- Re: Thank for the reminder
Ed Falis -- 12/30/2002, 2:17 pm
- gps link *LINK*
Ken Sutherland -- 12/28/2002, 11:28 pm - Re: Thank for the reminder
- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 12/26/2002, 4:42 pm - Thank for the reminder
- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Travis Kinchen -- 12/26/2002, 3:31 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Marcel Rodriguez -- 12/26/2002, 2:33 pm - Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
- So, what happens to HD gift certificates? *NM*