Thanks to my "better half", I'm finally moving into the realm of electronic navigation with a GPS. Considering how lame I am with a chart and compass, this may be just what I needed. I'm fully prepared to be depressed at how slow I'm actually paddling, what short distances I've actually gone and how far it is to the take-out. Good thing that it can't measure wave height or I wouldn't be able to lie to my paddling buddies about anything.
The best part is that I'll definitely be able to find my way back to the put-in when I forget to look back when leaving...again! Just got to remember to push that waypoint button before heading out...
Actually, I think it's going to be very educational using both the GPS and the compass. Having the GPS as a standard should help me to improve my map and compass skills, in addition to providing valuable course and speed feedback.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: So... What did YOU get???
Rehd -- 12/26/2002, 1:49 pm- So, what happens to HD gift certificates? *NM*
Tony -- 12/30/2002, 3:04 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Elliott -- 12/27/2002, 6:30 pm- Re: New Toy
Accessorize *Pic*
Rehd -- 12/29/2002, 3:47 am- one more accessory for you to build.
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/30/2002, 11:46 pm- Re: New Toy
Charles Leach -- 12/29/2002, 9:49 pm- Oops, can't believe I misspelled your name- sorry *NM*
Charles Leach -- 12/29/2002, 9:51 pm- Re: No Problem.....
Rehd -- 12/29/2002, 10:16 pm- A river with NO ATTITUDE is just a creek!! *NM*
Charles Leach -- 12/29/2002, 10:22 pm
- A river with NO ATTITUDE is just a creek!! *NM*
- Re: No Problem.....
- Re: New Toy
Elliott -- 12/29/2002, 9:15 am - Re: New Toy
- one more accessory for you to build.
- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
rob p -- 12/27/2002, 5:54 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Robert N Pruden -- 12/27/2002, 4:47 am- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Chris Moore -- 12/26/2002, 9:35 pm- Re: I got a corvette!
Don Beale -- 12/26/2002, 7:18 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Brian Nystrom -- 12/26/2002, 3:32 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Ken Sutherland -- 12/28/2002, 11:25 pm- Thank for the reminder
Brian Nystrom -- 12/30/2002, 12:19 pm- Re: Thank for the reminder
Ed Falis -- 12/30/2002, 2:17 pm
- gps link *LINK*
Ken Sutherland -- 12/28/2002, 11:28 pm - Re: Thank for the reminder
- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 12/26/2002, 4:42 pm - Thank for the reminder
- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Travis Kinchen -- 12/26/2002, 3:31 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Marcel Rodriguez -- 12/26/2002, 2:33 pm - Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
- So, what happens to HD gift certificates? *NM*