Re: I got a corvette!
By:Don Beale
Date: 12/26/2002, 7:18 pm
Date: 12/26/2002, 7:18 pm
In Response To: Other: So... What did YOU get??? (Rehd)
Unfortunately, it's only two inches long. She said she wanted to buy me a truck, but they were out of stock.
No kayak goodies under my tree. The wife's new year resolution for me is not to use the words 'boat' or 'paddle' in her presence. Sigh.
But I did cash in a couple holidays, so a Tuilik will be on order for me soon... And I got myself a new pair of cold-water gloves. And I have a new boat to grow into. So I cant complain. Next year will be good!
Messages In This Thread
- Other: So... What did YOU get???
Rehd -- 12/26/2002, 1:49 pm- So, what happens to HD gift certificates? *NM*
Tony -- 12/30/2002, 3:04 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Elliott -- 12/27/2002, 6:30 pm- Re: New Toy
Accessorize *Pic*
Rehd -- 12/29/2002, 3:47 am- one more accessory for you to build.
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/30/2002, 11:46 pm- Re: New Toy
Charles Leach -- 12/29/2002, 9:49 pm- Oops, can't believe I misspelled your name- sorry *NM*
Charles Leach -- 12/29/2002, 9:51 pm- Re: No Problem.....
Rehd -- 12/29/2002, 10:16 pm- A river with NO ATTITUDE is just a creek!! *NM*
Charles Leach -- 12/29/2002, 10:22 pm
- A river with NO ATTITUDE is just a creek!! *NM*
- Re: No Problem.....
- Re: New Toy
Elliott -- 12/29/2002, 9:15 am - Re: New Toy
- one more accessory for you to build.
- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
rob p -- 12/27/2002, 5:54 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Robert N Pruden -- 12/27/2002, 4:47 am- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Chris Moore -- 12/26/2002, 9:35 pm- Re: I got a corvette!
Don Beale -- 12/26/2002, 7:18 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Brian Nystrom -- 12/26/2002, 3:32 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Ken Sutherland -- 12/28/2002, 11:25 pm- Thank for the reminder
Brian Nystrom -- 12/30/2002, 12:19 pm- Re: Thank for the reminder
Ed Falis -- 12/30/2002, 2:17 pm
- gps link *LINK*
Ken Sutherland -- 12/28/2002, 11:28 pm - Re: Thank for the reminder
- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 12/26/2002, 4:42 pm - Thank for the reminder
- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get???
Travis Kinchen -- 12/26/2002, 3:31 pm- Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
Marcel Rodriguez -- 12/26/2002, 2:33 pm - Re: Other: So... What did YOU get??? *LINK*
- So, what happens to HD gift certificates? *NM*