Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: filling gaps
Date: 1/3/2003, 11:41 am
In Response To: Strip: filling gaps (Mike Rury)

: Question for this population... Nick's book suggests using a mixture of epoxy
: and sawdust (or some other coloring agent) to fill in gaps between strips.
: I assume this is to make the boat somewhat waterproof (although, will the
: glassing really be the waterproofing?). Why can't I use some kind of wood
: filler that I can by at Home depot that's already sort of tinted? why go
: through all the trouble of mixing up the epoxy when I can just spritz some
: out of a tube. is the function of the filler structural (which I don't
: believe it is) or aesthetical (is this even a word?)?
: thanks.

The fillers will work... But, it's difficult to match colors with your wood. They look close at first, but when you wet them out, they darken a lot more. You can go for a slightly lighter color, or you can mix you own with wood flour, sawdust and/or all the other additives out there.

Best thing to do is take some wood the color of your boat ( where you are filling ) and epoxy a little piece, then mix your filler to match that color. Remember to apply the filler, let it dry, sand and epoxy coat it too. That's the only way to get the true finished color.
Sometimes it easier to just cut wood slivers and glue them in.


Messages In This Thread

Strip: filling gaps
Mike Rury -- 1/3/2003, 10:42 am
Re: Strip: filling gaps
Jay Babina -- 1/3/2003, 2:30 pm
Re: Strip: filling gaps
Jeff The Tall -- 1/3/2003, 2:05 pm
Re: Strip: filling gaps
Chip Sandresky -- 1/3/2003, 2:01 pm
Re: Strip: filling gaps
Rehd -- 1/3/2003, 11:41 am
Re: Strip: filling gaps
Don Flowers -- 1/3/2003, 11:25 am