Date: 1/3/2003, 1:26 pm
- Backpack
- Bivy sacks
- Lightweight backpacking alcohol stoves
- Log Furniture
- Fleece clothing
- Goretex bibs
- Homebrewing
- Winemaking
- XC skiing pulk
- Paddles
- Drytop
- Neoprene hoods
- Sprayskirts
- Bilge Pumps
- Glass Seats
- Model Rockets
- Cast lead wargaming figurines
- Archery target butts
- Treestands
- Tools--axe, drawknife, block plane (soon to build a froe)
- Indoor climbing holds
Why buy it if you can build it!?!?
I'm thinking of "kayakable" handmade instruments--small hand drum, PVC digiridoo?
: Thanks to internet contacts (this forum and Tom Yost's kind email tutelage),
: I am the proud owner of a kayak - that I made with my own novice hands.
: There's another bulletin board that I'll look at now and again which has
: some DIY info for people who want to make their own lightweight
: backpacking gear. Recently a poster on this board offered a link to his
: site and I discovered he made his own telescope. And I find myself
: thinking, "Wow, a telescope. If I could build a kayak, how hard could
: THAT be?" (the most dangerous phrase in my vocabulary).: Kayaks. Backpacks. Telescopes. Has me wondering - what other fun toys can one
: build using internet resources and a can-do attitude? Any other great
: bulletin boards or websites to recommend?: ad delirium,
: Wayne
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat? *LINK*
Wayne -- 1/2/2003, 11:53 pm- Re: Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat? *LINK*
Dale Frolander -- 1/3/2003, 9:13 pm- Re: Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat?
Roger Nuffer -- 1/4/2003, 10:15 am- Re: Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat?
Rehd -- 1/3/2003, 10:49 pm - Re: Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat?
- lots of it.
Tony -- 1/3/2003, 6:30 pm- Re: Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat?
Chip Sandresky -- 1/3/2003, 1:49 pm- Re: A lot floats my DIY boat!!
Shawn Baker -- 1/3/2003, 1:26 pm- Re: Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat?
Peter Lyons -- 1/3/2003, 1:17 am-
Speak for Yourself, Pete! SHEESH!
James Neely -- 1/3/2003, 8:47 am
- Re: Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat? *LINK*
Jim Kozel -- 1/3/2003, 12:36 am- Re: Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat?
Shannon Sasser -- 1/3/2003, 5:46 pm
- Re: Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat?
- Re: Off Topic: What else floats your DIY boat? *LINK*