Date: 1/4/2003, 8:33 pm
: Does anyone have any knowledge of,or experience with, these portable chainsaw
: jigs that convert your chainsaw into a saw mill. I am having trouble
: finding someone to rough out my Black walnut due to the fact that it is
: urban grown and they are afraid of nails and such, which I understand. I
: have went over all of my peices, including the massive 14'x28" trunk
: section, with a gigantic metal detector although I dont know how far it
: would have penetrated into the wood and found nothing. I was around when
: this tree was planted and cannot remember anything being nailed or wired
: to the tree. I am thinking that I am going to have to cut it up myself.
: Any help is much appreciated.
That is a nice size log. Easiest and the best way would be to get someone with a mobile sawmill to saw it up for you.
Chainsaw mills are for masochists... slow, very tiring, noisy, wasteful of wood and the absolute last resort to make lumber -- I've done my share. I wouldn't go out and buy a chainsaw and mill to make lumber. If you are determined though you'll need a big powerful saw, I use a Stihl 090. You can build your own Alaska type mill cheap out of wood and two threaded rods.
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Chainsaw mill
Arko Bronaugh -- 1/4/2003, 5:59 pm- Re: Tools: Chainsaw mill *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/4/2003, 10:59 pm - Re: Tools: Chainsaw mill
Mike Loriz -- 1/4/2003, 10:17 pm- Re: Tools: Chainsaw mill
Arko Bronaugh -- 1/4/2003, 10:22 pm- Re: Tools: Chainsaw mill
Mike Loriz -- 1/5/2003, 9:49 am- Re: Tools: Chainsaw mill
Arko Bronaugh -- 1/5/2003, 9:58 am
- Re: Tools: Chainsaw mill
- Re: Tools: Chainsaw mill
- Re: Tools: Chainsaw mill
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Recovery Kayak
Tom Moss -- 1/4/2003, 8:33 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Recovery Kayak
Arko Bronaugh -- 1/4/2003, 10:18 pm
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Recovery Kayak
- Re: Tools: Chainsaw mill
srchr/gerald -- 1/4/2003, 7:46 pm
- Re: Tools: Chainsaw mill *Pic*