Date: 1/7/2003, 8:26 pm
: Ketchup and mustard bottles work well also, You can buy the red and yellow
: ones the finer resturants use at Kmart or some such.
Ben and all -
I tried the red and yellow bottles with Raka 127/350 combo. The hardner would turn pink - I immediately went back to clear bottles. The clear Rubbermaid bottles found in the same area of the grocery store seem to work very well for the resin, but only last about 4-5 months for the hardner.
I put one cup inside of another, and then marked the OUTSIDE cup when putting fixed amounts of liquid in the INSIDE cup. I have a cup that is marked in 1, 2, 3, and 6 tablespoon increments. Put a clean, matching cup inside the marked cup and I can make up 3 tablespoon or 6 tablespoon batches. Smaller batches use the syringes, larger batches use graduated plastic mixing tubs. BUT, I'm going to build one of John D's balance beams - Super idea!

Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 1/6/2003, 7:39 pm- Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!!
Ben Staley -- 1/7/2003, 10:17 am- Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!! *Pic*
John Schroeder -- 1/7/2003, 8:26 pm- Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!!
Malcolm Schweizer -- 1/7/2003, 6:42 pm- Re: Mr. Yuk!
Shawn Baker -- 1/7/2003, 7:06 pm
- Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!!
gregory -- 1/7/2003, 3:42 pm - Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!!
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps *Pic*
John D. -- 1/7/2003, 12:42 am- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
Shawn Baker -- 1/7/2003, 5:18 pm- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
John D. -- 1/7/2003, 11:44 pm- Re: Epoxy: balance measuring
Shawn Baker -- 1/8/2003, 11:05 am
- Mix by weight! *Pic*
David Hanson -- 1/7/2003, 9:38 pm- proper credit for the scales
David Hanson -- 1/7/2003, 10:06 pm
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
Jeff The Tall -- 1/7/2003, 7:14 pm- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
Jeff The Tall -- 1/7/2003, 7:08 pm - Re: Epoxy: balance measuring
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
David Hanson -- 1/7/2003, 10:05 am - Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
Ken Sutherland -- 1/7/2003, 12:21 am- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
srchr -- 1/6/2003, 8:56 pm- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
Chris Moore -- 1/6/2003, 11:18 pm- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
srchr/gerald -- 1/7/2003, 10:48 am
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps *LINK*
Peter Robinson in Oz -- 1/6/2003, 8:12 pm - Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!! *Pic*
- Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!!