Date: 1/7/2003, 9:38 pm
: Could you do a balance beam with the resin at one end, 43 units from center,
: and the hardener at the other, 100 units from center?
: Shawn
Sure you can. I think his is easier to use tho, only mess up one cup.
I built this scale out of wood. It has wire axles running in brass bushings. You balance the beam with empty cups in place at both 43 units and 100 units, using a counter weight. Then put resin in cup on swing (right side) and measure hardner to cup on left to balance.
As you can see in the background, we have some epoxy, ha, the raka is inside, the garage gets pretty cold.

Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 1/6/2003, 7:39 pm- Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!!
Ben Staley -- 1/7/2003, 10:17 am- Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!! *Pic*
John Schroeder -- 1/7/2003, 8:26 pm- Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!!
Malcolm Schweizer -- 1/7/2003, 6:42 pm- Re: Mr. Yuk!
Shawn Baker -- 1/7/2003, 7:06 pm
- Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!!
gregory -- 1/7/2003, 3:42 pm - Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!!
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps *Pic*
John D. -- 1/7/2003, 12:42 am- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
Shawn Baker -- 1/7/2003, 5:18 pm- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
John D. -- 1/7/2003, 11:44 pm- Re: Epoxy: balance measuring
Shawn Baker -- 1/8/2003, 11:05 am
- Mix by weight! *Pic*
David Hanson -- 1/7/2003, 9:38 pm- proper credit for the scales
David Hanson -- 1/7/2003, 10:06 pm
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
Jeff The Tall -- 1/7/2003, 7:14 pm- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
Jeff The Tall -- 1/7/2003, 7:08 pm - Re: Epoxy: balance measuring
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
David Hanson -- 1/7/2003, 10:05 am - Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
Ken Sutherland -- 1/7/2003, 12:21 am- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
srchr -- 1/6/2003, 8:56 pm- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
Chris Moore -- 1/6/2003, 11:18 pm- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
srchr/gerald -- 1/7/2003, 10:48 am
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps
- Re: Epoxy: Life w/o Pumps *LINK*
Peter Robinson in Oz -- 1/6/2003, 8:12 pm - Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!! *Pic*
- Re: Lets hear it for Mrs Butterworths!!