Date: 1/8/2003, 9:00 pm
: Hey Grant,
: This is my second full-sized kayak attempt and I spent over two full days to
: get it to this stage. It's amazing how much faster the second boat goes.
: Keep in mind that I do have a fairly good understanding of how to put
: these things together, mostly from model building, so I'm not stopping to
: read the instructions or to think about what the next step will be. It was
: also fairly cold in that carport, so it was a good idea to keep moving. I
: hung up the two 24x36 inch sheets (plans) on the wall and quickly skim
: read the manual. Great directions, for any builder, but wanting to finish
: the hull first then moving on to strip the deck makes it more difficult to
: follow than what it's worth. However these are the best set of plans and
: instructions that I have ever seen. Some great tips include: Best scarfing
: jig, xacto knife cut through the plans into the wood to mark your cut and
: it cuts off cleanly to the knife cut with Bosch 20TPI blade, interior
: forms and external cradles worked slick (I used 1/2" MDF and it
: worked perfectly), stations 5 and 10 I cut out of a thick piece of Okoume
: (8 or 12mm?) for the bulkheads, I chose to do end pours (not necessary,
: but adds a nice bumper), mixing colorant into plain or thickened epoxy
: works great (but tough to get same color from different batches (I didn't
: measure, just practicing)). I'm sure there's more, but I'm on my way out
: the door, until next time...
: PS: Don't worry about how long it will take you to complete your Cirrus, I
: can personally promise that you won't regret it, once it's done and you
: get that feeling of pride when someone stops to admire it. It's a
: beautiful thing!
I am with you on the carport thing. I am working in 30 and 40 degree temps with an occasional 20 something thrown in here and there. I am working on a SOF though, no epoxy.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Cirrus started, then got left behind
Scott Ferguson -- 1/8/2003, 1:36 pm- Left in the Sawdust
grant -- 1/8/2003, 4:00 pm- Re: Just keep making sawdust, it's not a race
Scott Ferguson -- 1/8/2003, 5:23 pm- A strong 2nd on Vaclav's plans and instructions
David Hanson -- 1/9/2003, 9:55 am- Re: A strong 2nd on Vaclav's plans and instruction
Jim Kozel -- 1/9/2003, 12:04 pm- Stock cocpit, no recess *Pic*
David Hanson -- 1/9/2003, 8:08 pm
- Stock cocpit, no recess *Pic*
- Re: Just keep making sawdust, it's not a race
Arko Bronaugh -- 1/8/2003, 9:00 pm - Re: A strong 2nd on Vaclav's plans and instruction
- A strong 2nd on Vaclav's plans and instructions
- Re: S&G: Another photo *NM* *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 1/8/2003, 1:38 pm- Re: S&G: Another photo
Chip Sandresky -- 1/8/2003, 2:03 pm- Re: S&G: Cirrus design
Scott Ferguson -- 1/8/2003, 2:51 pm- strip edges for barrel shaped deck arches
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/8/2003, 8:28 pm- Re: Combination B&C and edge beveled strips
Scott Ferguson -- 1/9/2003, 3:47 pm- Re: Combination B&C and edge beveled strips
srchr/gerald -- 1/10/2003, 11:30 am- Re: Combination B&C and edge beveled strips
Steve Rasmussen -- 1/9/2003, 7:01 pm- Re: Combination B&C and edge beveled strips *Pic*
Steve Rasmussen -- 1/10/2003, 12:09 am- Re: B&C or beveled edged strips
Scott Ferguson -- 1/10/2003, 4:30 pm- Re: B&C or beveled edged strips
Steve Rasmussen -- 1/11/2003, 12:37 am
- Re: B&C or beveled edged strips
- Re: B&C or beveled edged strips
- Re: Combination B&C and edge beveled strips
- Re: Combination B&C and edge beveled strips
- Re: Combination B&C and edge beveled strips
- strip edges for barrel shaped deck arches
- Re: S&G: Cirrus design
- Re: Just keep making sawdust, it's not a race
- Left in the Sawdust