Re: Strip: Hot-glued deck separated from hull *Pic*
By:Ross Leidy
Date: 1/13/2003, 9:50 am
Date: 1/13/2003, 9:50 am
In Response To: Strip: Hot-glued deck separated from hull *LINK* *Pic* (Bobby Curtis)
If ever I'm not able to work a putty knife in at the sheer to whack the forms towards the middle, I thought I'd try a auto body dent puller from the cockpit side. The tip can be fitted with a screw that could be driven into the forms. I few jolts from the sliding weight ought to free the forms. Of course, this would only work on the few forms you could reach from the cockpit opening.
The new SSS is looking great.
: You can see more photos of the deck separation at
: Bobby

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Hot-glued deck separated from hull *LINK* *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 1/13/2003, 9:22 am- Re: Strip: Hot-glued deck separated from hull
Rick Sylvia -- 1/13/2003, 10:52 am- Re: Strip: Hot-glued deck separated from hull *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 1/13/2003, 9:50 am - Re: Strip: Hot-glued deck separated from hull *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Hot-glued deck separated from hull