Date: 1/13/2003, 10:47 pm
: Looks great, Dave! Wish I was paddling mine...that multi-bevel deck looks
: great. Any details on final weight? Stability? Etc. Etc. Etc. Heck, even
: if I finish mine soon, there's nothing but hard water up here. Groan.
Hey Jim,
Bad news on the weight, must be near 70 lbs, I build battleships! Mostly the 1/4" luan, then heavy pours/fillets in the stems, it kept running down to the bottom and I kept dragging it back up. Really needed fast set stuff for that job or mix stiffer putty.
Was tippy at first, but that is just me, I'm really used to my 36" wide canoe. I was all undressed (spray skirt down, life jacket in lap, wool shirt off in lap) and taking my vest off when I overheated, nearly tipped it while doing all this, ha. That would have been a yard sale.
No departures at speed, I mean I nearly tore the insert out of the end of my paddle in a little sprint, it just keeps tracking, course the water was like a mirror.
I made a seat out of minicell to fit my rear so knew that would be fine, but I built the seat back out of 1/8" doorskin like Vaclav shows in his book. It was great also, felt great. It was like I just took delivery on a brand new "Cirrus" from the factory, everything worked like it was supposed to, strange feeling!
P.S. Even the paddle stow bungie was functional, I usually have a bunch of back to the drawing board stuff but not on this one.
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue *Pic*
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 6:11 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Scott Ferguson -- 1/14/2003, 11:51 am- Building problems or tips *Pic*
David Hanson -- 1/14/2003, 12:46 pm- Re: Building problems or tips
Scott Ferguson -- 1/14/2003, 2:30 pm
- Re: Building problems or tips
- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Rob P -- 1/14/2003, 9:34 am- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Arko Bronaugh -- 1/14/2003, 2:28 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
LeeG -- 1/14/2003, 9:42 am - Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
- Beautiful job and design! *NM*
Bob Deutsch -- 1/14/2003, 7:59 am- I like pirogues...
srchr/gerald -- 1/14/2003, 12:49 am- Re: I like pirogues...
David Hanson -- 1/14/2003, 12:47 pm- Re: I like pirogues...
Garland Reese -- 1/14/2003, 8:08 pm- Luan was okay, just heavy
David Hanson -- 1/15/2003, 9:13 am
- Luan was okay, just heavy
- Re: I like pirogues...
- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Jim Kozel -- 1/13/2003, 10:17 pm- You are gonna like it for sure!
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 10:47 pm
- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Mark Nromand -- 1/13/2003, 9:52 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 10:37 pm
- Nice Pic
Larry -- 1/13/2003, 9:45 pm- Re: Nice Pic
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 10:32 pm- Re: Nice Pic
Larry -- 1/13/2003, 11:00 pm
- Re: Nice Pic
- Front Hatch
grant -- 1/13/2003, 8:58 pm- Re: Front Hatch *NM* *Pic*
David Hanson -- 1/14/2003, 9:03 am- Hatches & Magnets
grant -- 1/14/2003, 9:15 am- Re: Hatches & Magnets
KenC -- 1/14/2003, 9:24 pm- Re: Hatches & Magnets
David Hanson -- 1/15/2003, 9:19 am
- Re: Hatches & Magnets *Pic*
Mark de Araujo -- 1/14/2003, 2:01 pm- Re: Hatches & Magnets
David Hanson -- 1/14/2003, 12:57 pm- How Many Magnets
grant -- 1/15/2003, 8:28 am- Re: How Many Magnets
David Hanson -- 1/15/2003, 9:16 am- Re: How Many Magnets
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/15/2003, 8:03 pm
- Re: How Many Magnets
- Re: How Many Magnets
- Re: Hatches & Magnets
- Re: Hatches & Magnets
- Re: Front Hatch
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 10:28 pm- Another Justification for a Dremel
grant -- 1/13/2003, 10:38 pm
- Hatches & Magnets
- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 1/13/2003, 7:55 pm- Most excelent site, Kurt! (thumbs up)
Robert N Pruden -- 1/15/2003, 6:27 pm- Re: Most excelent site, Kurt! (thumbs up)
Kurt Maurer -- 1/15/2003, 7:59 pm- Re: Most excelent site, Kurt! (thumbs up)
Robert N Pruden -- 1/17/2003, 7:10 pm
- Re: Most excelent site, Kurt! (thumbs up)
- Re: Kurt, The Site's a HOOT!!
Steve Frederick -- 1/13/2003, 8:32 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 8:20 pm - Re: Most excelent site, Kurt! (thumbs up)
- Re: It's a beauty!! Nice Work!! *NM*
Steve Frederick -- 1/13/2003, 7:32 pm- Sweet! Nice Work! *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 1/13/2003, 7:18 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Tony W. -- 1/13/2003, 6:24 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Ryan -- 1/13/2003, 6:33 pm
- Building problems or tips *Pic*
- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue