Date: 1/14/2003, 12:46 pm
: Glad to hear you like the Cirrus David,
: Your boat looks very sleek. Nice design and great craftsmanship. My Cirrus
: won't hit the water until Spring, but seeing pictures of what you've
: created, makes me want to shut this machine down and head for my workshop.
: Thanks for sharing the photos for inspiration. Any tips/tricks/troubled
: areas you care to share? What boat will you build next?
Thanks. I used some real nice wood, but luan, turned out heavy. Knowing what I know now, would go with 4mm on hull and 3mm on deck (or 1/8" doorskins).
The tape joint on outside gave me lots of trouble. I used 3" tape 6 oz. I masked both sides of the existing ridge from the previously masked deck and hull glassing. Should have sanded the ridge down some, so the tape would not have to make an abrupt bend up at that ridge, caused lots of air voids and several patches required. I tried putting on some more fresh epoxy when I noticed early that I had air bubbles trapped under, caused a kick and some huge trapped air pockets that had to be cut out.
Also had trouble keeping the 2" inside tape on line while unrolling with my stick and brush attached. Would try the hot glue (spot every 6") the tape in place to the hull on the next one before joining the deck.
Tips, hmmm. I am very pleased with my first attempt at Vaclav's CF combing and it works great for holding and releasing the spray skirt. You could make a recess, I didn't but will add some thigh braces. I used the largest cocpit template.
Forget who mentioned it, but I saw a picture on this site, lift attachments out of dowels. That is, drill the bow/stern oversize for a large wood dowel. Drill the dowel and epoxy/putty in the oversize hole. That worked great too! I did not have much goop wasted in that install.
Watch the big fillets in the bow and stern, can add up to lots of weight quick. I mixed what I thought was peanut butter putty but it ran over time to the bottom. If you get much extra weight in the bow it will make the Center of Gravity way forward, mine is about 4" forward.
If you varnish with perfection varnish, use syringes to measure resin and hardner, one for each. I used the hardner syringe to measure the 2333N solvent.
60cc resin, 20cc hardner, and 15cc solvent for the deck a little more for hull.
Jean will get the next boat, "Storm SLT".

Messages In This Thread
- Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue *Pic*
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 6:11 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Scott Ferguson -- 1/14/2003, 11:51 am- Building problems or tips *Pic*
David Hanson -- 1/14/2003, 12:46 pm- Re: Building problems or tips
Scott Ferguson -- 1/14/2003, 2:30 pm
- Re: Building problems or tips
- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Rob P -- 1/14/2003, 9:34 am- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Arko Bronaugh -- 1/14/2003, 2:28 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
LeeG -- 1/14/2003, 9:42 am - Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
- Beautiful job and design! *NM*
Bob Deutsch -- 1/14/2003, 7:59 am- I like pirogues...
srchr/gerald -- 1/14/2003, 12:49 am- Re: I like pirogues...
David Hanson -- 1/14/2003, 12:47 pm- Re: I like pirogues...
Garland Reese -- 1/14/2003, 8:08 pm- Luan was okay, just heavy
David Hanson -- 1/15/2003, 9:13 am
- Luan was okay, just heavy
- Re: I like pirogues...
- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Jim Kozel -- 1/13/2003, 10:17 pm- You are gonna like it for sure!
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 10:47 pm
- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Mark Nromand -- 1/13/2003, 9:52 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 10:37 pm
- Nice Pic
Larry -- 1/13/2003, 9:45 pm- Re: Nice Pic
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 10:32 pm- Re: Nice Pic
Larry -- 1/13/2003, 11:00 pm
- Re: Nice Pic
- Front Hatch
grant -- 1/13/2003, 8:58 pm- Re: Front Hatch *NM* *Pic*
David Hanson -- 1/14/2003, 9:03 am- Hatches & Magnets
grant -- 1/14/2003, 9:15 am- Re: Hatches & Magnets
KenC -- 1/14/2003, 9:24 pm- Re: Hatches & Magnets
David Hanson -- 1/15/2003, 9:19 am
- Re: Hatches & Magnets *Pic*
Mark de Araujo -- 1/14/2003, 2:01 pm- Re: Hatches & Magnets
David Hanson -- 1/14/2003, 12:57 pm- How Many Magnets
grant -- 1/15/2003, 8:28 am- Re: How Many Magnets
David Hanson -- 1/15/2003, 9:16 am- Re: How Many Magnets
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/15/2003, 8:03 pm
- Re: How Many Magnets
- Re: How Many Magnets
- Re: Hatches & Magnets
- Re: Hatches & Magnets
- Re: Front Hatch
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 10:28 pm- Another Justification for a Dremel
grant -- 1/13/2003, 10:38 pm
- Hatches & Magnets
- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 1/13/2003, 7:55 pm- Most excelent site, Kurt! (thumbs up)
Robert N Pruden -- 1/15/2003, 6:27 pm- Re: Most excelent site, Kurt! (thumbs up)
Kurt Maurer -- 1/15/2003, 7:59 pm- Re: Most excelent site, Kurt! (thumbs up)
Robert N Pruden -- 1/17/2003, 7:10 pm
- Re: Most excelent site, Kurt! (thumbs up)
- Re: Kurt, The Site's a HOOT!!
Steve Frederick -- 1/13/2003, 8:32 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
David Hanson -- 1/13/2003, 8:20 pm - Re: Most excelent site, Kurt! (thumbs up)
- Re: It's a beauty!! Nice Work!! *NM*
Steve Frederick -- 1/13/2003, 7:32 pm- Sweet! Nice Work! *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 1/13/2003, 7:18 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Tony W. -- 1/13/2003, 6:24 pm- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue
Ryan -- 1/13/2003, 6:33 pm
- Building problems or tips *Pic*
- Re: Launching: This not your Daddy's pirogue