Date: 1/15/2003, 8:55 am
: Sounds like an interesting hobby. Maybe I'll look into it myself sometime.
: Complicated? Expensive? I remember being at a party once when someone
: opened up a few bottles of their latest home-brew. About half of each
: bottle went directly to foam.
In my experience, it's simple and inexpensive, but my experience is somewhat limited (I can't have brewed more than 20 cases total. Oh, wait, hmm. I've got 7 cases aging in the basement. I can't have brewed more than 40 cases total. Or maybe 50. Would you believe 60? Limited experience, I tell you! Limited experience!).
You know, if you do things right, it should never foam over like that. My guess (and it's only a guess) is that the brewer bottled when the first fermentation wasn't finished yet (the specific gravity was too high). There would have been too many fermentable sugars in the bottles and poof! (Those are the bottles that would explode, I'm sure!)
Kind of like kayak making, if you are at least a little methodical and you follow the instructions and use a minimum of common sense (and good hygiene!), you will come out with a FANTASTIC product.
I get all of my ingredients from the 7-Bridges Coop (they're in Cali, but it doesn't matter - if you order ingredients for 3 batches the shipping is free!). It's all organic goodness!
Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Too cold to carve so I...
Robert N Pruden -- 1/13/2003, 10:32 pm- why I don't leave the house *LINK* *Pic*
Jamie Smith -- 1/14/2003, 4:31 pm- Re: why I love my shop! *LINK*
Shawn Baker -- 1/14/2003, 5:44 pm- Re: why I love my shop! *Pic*
Tom Yost -- 1/14/2003, 7:06 pm- Note to wife: BUY SMALL FRIDGE
Robert N Pruden -- 1/14/2003, 7:52 pm- Re: Note to wife: BUY SMALL FRIDGE
Tom Yost -- 1/14/2003, 9:14 pm- Re: Note to wife: BUY SMALL FRIDGE
Shawn Baker -- 1/15/2003, 5:50 pm- Re: Note to wife: BUY SMALL FRIDGE
Tom Yost -- 1/15/2003, 6:50 pm- Re: Note to wife: BUY SMALL FRIDGE
Jamie Smith -- 1/15/2003, 7:21 pm- Re: Murphy's
Shawn Baker -- 1/15/2003, 7:11 pm- Re: Murphy's
Tom Yost -- 1/16/2003, 2:08 am
- Re: Murphy's
- Re: Note to wife: BUY SMALL FRIDGE
- Beerdarka *LINK* *Pic*
Jamie Smith -- 1/14/2003, 9:29 pm- Re: Beerdarka
Rob P -- 1/15/2003, 1:47 pm- You need a BEERlge pump
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/15/2003, 7:49 pm- Long sip tube? My $ 0.02 (CDN)
Robert N Pruden -- 1/15/2003, 5:19 pm- Re: Beerdarka
Peter Lyons -- 1/15/2003, 5:11 pm- Re: Sensuous
Shawn Baker -- 1/15/2003, 5:52 pm
- Re: Beerdarka
Jamie Smith -- 1/15/2003, 4:07 pm- Re: Beerdarka
Shawn Baker -- 1/15/2003, 5:51 pm- Re: Beerdarka
Jamie Smith -- 1/15/2003, 7:16 pm
- Re: Beerdarka
- Long sip tube? My $ 0.02 (CDN)
- Re: Beerdarka
Peter Lyons -- 1/14/2003, 10:36 pm- Re: Beerdarka
Jamie Smith -- 1/15/2003, 6:29 am- Re: Beerdarka
Peter Lyons -- 1/15/2003, 8:33 am- Re: Beerdarka
Jamie Smith -- 1/15/2003, 4:13 pm- I can't behr it (did I get that right?) *LINK*
charles w -- 1/15/2003, 8:55 am - I can't behr it (did I get that right?) *LINK*
- Re: Beerdarka
- Re: Beerdarka
ChrisO -- 1/14/2003, 11:33 pm- Joke? NEVER !!! we are SERIOUS boat builders
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/14/2003, 11:06 pm - Re: Beerdarka
- Re: Beerdarka
Tom Yost -- 1/14/2003, 9:43 pm - You need a BEERlge pump
- Re: Note to wife: BUY SMALL FRIDGE
- Re: Note to wife: BUY SMALL FRIDGE
- Re: Note to wife: BUY SMALL FRIDGE
- Note to wife: BUY SMALL FRIDGE
- Re: why I love my shop! *Pic*
- Got another Guiness???
Larry -- 1/13/2003, 11:07 pm- Enuf for one more night of puzling over the cold
Robert N Pruden -- 1/14/2003, 7:48 pm
- Re: Paddle: Too cold to carve so I... *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 1/13/2003, 10:34 pm- Re: Paddle: Too cold to carve so I...
Paul J -- 1/14/2003, 11:38 am- Re: Paddle: Too cold to carve so I...
Robert N Pruden -- 1/14/2003, 7:44 pm
- Re: Paddle: Too cold to carve so I...
- Re: why I love my shop! *LINK*
- why I don't leave the house *LINK* *Pic*