Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: This winter�s project
By:Tim Eastman
Date: 1/16/2003, 12:35 pm
In Response To: Strip: This winter�s project *LINK* *Pic* (Richard Kohlstr�m)

Hey Richard, . .

That workshop is waaaayyyy too clean and uncluttered. :-)

: As this winter�s project I�m running a study circle in kayakbuilding. There
: are 7 strippers and 1 SnG. Two Najad (Bj�rn Thomasson), one Panache (Rob
: Macks) and four Ylva (Hans Friedel). The SnG is also by Hans Friedel.
: In april there will be a masslaunching. The project started in november, the
: first strips was laid some days before christmas. The builders are all
: firsttimebuilders and they learn fast and are very happy.

: I�ll try to post some pictures from the workshop.

: Richard Kohlstr�m

Messages In This Thread

Strip: This winter�s project *LINK* *Pic*
Richard Kohlstr�m -- 1/15/2003, 8:39 pm
Re: Strip: This winter�s project
Roger Nuffer -- 1/16/2003, 2:26 pm
Re: Strip: This winter�s project
Shawn Baker -- 1/16/2003, 2:05 pm
Re: Strip: This winter�s project *LINK*
Richard Kohlstr�m -- 1/17/2003, 4:08 am
Re: Strip: This winter�s project
Tim Eastman -- 1/16/2003, 12:35 pm