Re: Strip: here's my first photo
By:Andrew Smith
Date: 1/16/2003, 7:16 pm
Date: 1/16/2003, 7:16 pm
In Response To: Re: Strip: here's my first photo (Bill Price)
: It works! :-) What'cha building??
: Bill
Hi Bill,
It's a Guillemot. I have 3 strips on one side and four on the opposite so far. No problems yet, 'course I haven't done any fitting yet so we'll see.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: here's my first photo *Pic*
Andrew Smith -- 1/15/2003, 7:38 pm- Re: Strip: Looks like you're going Stapless *NM*
Roger Nuffer -- 1/17/2003, 2:18 pm- Re: Strip: Looks like you're going Stapless
Andrew Smith -- 1/19/2003, 8:48 am
- Re: Strip: Looks like you're going Stapless
- Re: Strip: here's my first photo
Bill Price -- 1/15/2003, 7:59 pm- Re: Strip: here's my first photo
Andrew Smith -- 1/16/2003, 7:16 pm
- Re: Strip: here's my first photo
- Re: Strip: Looks like you're going Stapless *NM*