Date: 1/18/2003, 4:08 pm
Sorry to hear about it. It seems to me to be an especial concern because this mis-mix was used to apply the fiberglass = which means if it does not set-up the fiberglass will need to be removed (UGH!). The ratio you mention means you have only 1/2 of the hardner in the mix. This is at the low end of the range but you may still have a hope that it will set-up. If it were me I would mix up another small batch in a cup of the same ratio (like 4 oz. resin and 1 oz. hardner) and just leave it in the cup. Take the cup inside and keep it in an area that will be constantly warm (like 70 degrees) and see how it sets.
My experience with under mixes is that they do 'harden' over time but depending on the ratio some don't get hard and some do. Some under mixes will only get 'gummy' and not ever really get 'hard'. If you do this test and the 5 oz's in a cup get 'hard' fine, but if the mix in the cup @ 70 degrees only gets 'gummy' then you should face it and go to the next step: Remove the mis-mix and fiberglass.
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: proper curing of epoxy
ken fink -- 1/18/2003, 1:15 pm- Re: Epoxy: proper curing of epoxy-THANKS
KEN FINK -- 1/20/2003, 7:08 pm- Re: Epoxy: proper curing of epoxy-THANKS
Tom Yost -- 1/20/2003, 7:55 pm
- Re: Epoxy: proper curing of epoxy
Jay Babina -- 1/20/2003, 9:06 am- Re: Epoxy: proper curing of epoxy
steve pollack -- 1/19/2003, 11:36 am- Re: Epoxy: proper curing of epoxy *Pic*
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Joe -- 1/18/2003, 4:08 pm- Re: Epoxy: proper curing of epoxy
Mike Scarborough -- 1/18/2003, 10:03 pm
- Re: Epoxy: proper curing of epoxy
LeeG -- 1/18/2003, 3:36 pm - Re: Epoxy: proper curing of epoxy-THANKS
- Re: Epoxy: proper curing of epoxy-THANKS