Boat Building Forum

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Two more ideas
By:Ted Henry
Date: 1/20/2003, 6:00 pm
In Response To: Strip: simple tips (Bert & Sasha)

: Instead of using spray adhesive for applying the paper patterns for the
: stations, I found that thinning wood glue with water and rolling the glue
: out with a foam roller, then apply the pattern,The result is great, I
: always have had problems with the paper curling off, using the spray
: contact cement, plus the wood glue smells better. .....

Another way is to put a sealing layer of Titebond (or similar) on the soon-to-be wood form, let it dry, followed by a second layer, again letting it dry. Then iron the paper pattern onto the wood. Placement is easy on the dry surface and there is no mess, and especially no nasty fumes. You might, however, get in a little trouble if you use someone else's prize iron. Me, I use my ski waxing iron. A resin spreading squeegee works well to spread the glue.

My favorite method is a variation on the first, but without the iron. Apply the first layer of glue as described above and let it dry. Then apply a layer of sanding disk cement and let it dry. Carefully center your paper and place it on the wood. It is now permanently stuck in place. Sanding disk cement is a pressure sensitive, water based glue that acts like contact cement, only it does not have the toxic fumes. You could use two layers of this glue, but wood glue is cheaper and compatible.


Messages In This Thread

Strip: simple tips
Bert & Sasha -- 1/15/2003, 8:36 pm
Two more ideas
Ted Henry -- 1/20/2003, 6:00 pm
Re: Strip: simple tips
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/16/2003, 11:47 pm
Re: Strip: simple tips
Malcolm Schweizer -- 1/16/2003, 6:32 pm
Re: Strip: simple tips
Shawn Baker -- 1/16/2003, 2:03 pm
Re: Strip: simple tips *LINK*
Ken Sutherland -- 1/23/2003, 9:11 pm
Re: Strip: simple tips *LINK*
Marcel Rodriguez -- 1/16/2003, 6:47 pm
Re: Strip: simple tips
Jeff The Tall -- 1/16/2003, 3:14 pm
Re: Strip: simple tips
Sasha -- 1/16/2003, 5:19 pm