Umm, ya gotta finish the question 

In Response To: Strip: A possibly stupid question... (Craig Bethune)
: this: I've got a Spring Run hull (my first boat) stripped and glassed
: (inside and out), and the deck stripped over the internal strongback. As
: things have moved around a little in the process, there are modest (
Stupid as you may think your question is -- Ya gotta finish asking it before we can take a shot at answering it.
Considering that there were 197 hits on this "question" before I started this "answer", there seem to be a lot of poeple interested in helping.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: A possibly stupid question...
Craig Bethune -- 1/18/2003, 6:22 pm- Umm, ya gotta finish the question
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/20/2003, 6:28 pm- Re: I Hate when that happens!
Craig Bethune -- 1/20/2003, 7:54 pm- Re: glassing sequence
Shawn Baker -- 1/21/2003, 12:23 pm
- Re: Hmm...NM
Chris -- 1/20/2003, 7:50 pm - Re: glassing sequence
- Re: I Hate when that happens!
- Umm, ya gotta finish the question