Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: Fast Stripper
By:Larry C.
Date: 1/20/2003, 9:46 pm
In Response To: Strip: Fast Stripper (Ken Katz)

: I am looking to build a fast stripper to use in local races on San Francisco
: Bay. I have built 2 Outer Islands, a Shooting Star, and a couple of other
: kayaks as well. I have had pretty good success racing the OI, but I am
: competing with longer leaner boats that by design are built to go fast
: such as kayaks from West Side Boat Shop, Necky Looksha etc. I love my OI
: and it is a fabulous all round boat that is fast. My SS is great but by
: virtue of its length is not a racer. I think it would be fun to have an
: attractive stripper that is designed to be competitive on race day in the
: "fast traditional" class. I imagine something under 20ft and
: around 20" beam or a bit less . Has anybody tried Nick's Razor Billed
: Auk? Any other suggestions? THANKS!

: Ken

Hi Ken,
I'm building the RBA. I just glassed the hull this past weekend. I can't tell you how it paddles but it is one of the only designs geared toward fast paddling/racing. CLC has the Pax line of S&G kayaks.

I am not a serious racer, just like to participate. I have been using my Guillemot Exp. for racing.

I know what you mean about using sea worthy designed boats to compete against racing hulls such as Doug Bushnell's exotic designs (Westside Boat Works). I have paddled one of his older designs,the Sea Sprint.

I think the RBA is somewhat similar to Westside's
Extra Fast Tourer which is longer but the same width and has a similar hull.

I have not paddled the RBA (going against my own rule) before I started building but I can tell you Nick's designs paddle exactly as he describes them. He says the RBA is a fast touring/racing design. I would bet it will be just that.

Larry C.

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Fast Stripper
Ken Katz -- 1/20/2003, 9:20 pm
Re: Strip: Fast Stripper *LINK* *Pic*
Richard Kohlstr�m -- 1/21/2003, 4:57 pm
Re: Strip: Fast Stripper
Ken Katz -- 1/21/2003, 10:03 pm
Re: Strip: Fast Stripper *LINK* *Pic*
Richard Kohlstr�m -- 1/22/2003, 2:24 am
Re: Strip: Fast Stripper *LINK* *Pic*
KenC -- 1/20/2003, 11:44 pm
Re: Strip: Fast Stripper
Larry C. -- 1/20/2003, 9:46 pm