Date: 1/22/2003, 2:46 am
Got more pictures back and thought some might like this jig I built ( after seeing the one Bob Kelim uses ) for cutting mortises for the 1/4" x 3/4" ribs. Bob used his to cut the mortises in a 2" x 4" beam and then split the beam in two. I couldn't find any 2" pine that I could use, so I made mine to work on two pieces of Pine clamped side by side.
This allows for perfect alignment of the rib mortises and gets the alignment process down to a quick, accurate function. I will be modifying this particular jig as it was a quick throw-together and was built for my Sears ( round-based ) router and I will be using either a home-built square base made from 1/4" plexiglass or I will borrow my neighbors Ryobi ( square based ) laminate trim router. The Ryobi ( can't remember it's # ) is hand sized and has / developes 3/4 hp so it will work very well for these small holes. A plunge based router would also work well. Mine, however, is a standard round base and is difficult to tilt down at exactly the right angle.
Had I made it for a one-piece cut, then I could have made the jig only wide enough for the router to sit straight down at the perfect angle. As it is, I had a little slop in the first couple of holes until I got it under control and figured out the right spot and angle to start my tilt. Those first two holes are a tad sloppy and I will just peg that rib at both sides.
The idea was right, just didn't have the perfect tool to do it. Boat two will have a new jig, most likely, made for the Ryobi with the 4" square base.
This type jig will make quick work of the rib mortises for each of the boats.
Thanks Bob, for your picture and advice.
: Rehd
P.S. ( the rest of the pictures are going into an album as I go along and when it's got enough in it to be of some use or interest, I'll make it available. What's in it now would bore most to death )
P.S. II ( the wood under the saw horses would be all the stringers, and gunnals for the other two boats. All that's not in here for these three boats is the oak or ash for the ribs and the skin )

Messages In This Thread
- Skin-on-Frame: Starr-Design .. First of Three *Pic*
Rehd -- 1/21/2003, 3:43 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Rib Mortise Jig *Pic*
Rehd -- 1/22/2003, 2:46 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Rib Mortise Jihg
Bill Price -- 1/22/2003, 3:28 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Rib Mortise Jihg
Rehd -- 1/22/2003, 10:42 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Rib Mortise Jihg
Travis Kinchen -- 1/23/2003, 10:42 am
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Rib Mortise Jihg
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Rib Mortise Jihg
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Starr-Design .. First of Three
Chip Sandresky -- 1/21/2003, 12:33 pm- Re: Comparisons ... ??
Rehd -- 1/21/2003, 1:13 pm- Re: Comparisons ... ??
John Schroeder -- 1/21/2003, 8:33 pm- Re: Comparisons ... ??
Travis Kinchen -- 1/22/2003, 10:30 am- Re: Comparisons ... ??
John Schroeder -- 1/22/2003, 8:31 pm
- Re: Comparisons ... ??
- tolerance
Bill Price -- 1/21/2003, 3:12 pm- Re: No Fudge for Bill.... O.K., got it!!!
Rehd -- 1/21/2003, 4:18 pm
- Re: Comparisons ... ??
- Re: Comparisons ... ??
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Starr-Design .. First of Three
Travis Kinchen -- 1/21/2003, 10:34 am- Re: Time and Fun !!
Rehd -- 1/21/2003, 12:56 pm
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Starr-Design .. First of Three
Chris -- 1/21/2003, 4:47 am- Re: Starr-Boat
Rehd -- 1/21/2003, 12:47 pm
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Rib Mortise Jihg
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Rib Mortise Jig *Pic*