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Re: Tools: ARRG!!! Busted Router
Date: 1/26/2003, 9:27 pm
In Response To: Tools: ARRG!!! Busted Router (Jack Sanderson)

: I�m not sure of the terminology for these motor parts, but there
: is a 14 sided bearing with two contacts/brushes making contact on them.
: One of the 14 pieces has broken off (accounting for nasty medal flying
: around in the motor noise).

:Hello Jack,

The 14 sided bearings that you are referring to are the commutator strips. The other replies are accurate in that the unit is not worth fixing. Unless you can find an identical router in a flea market that may have a burned out field winding, but a good armature. Then you could do a swap and save this unit, but it would be more for the challenge than for ending up with a good tool.
Enjoy your new router.


Messages In This Thread

Tools: ARRG!!! Busted Router
Jack Sanderson -- 1/26/2003, 3:23 pm
Broke down and bought new
Jack Sanderson -- 1/28/2003, 9:07 am
Re: Tools: ARRG!!! Busted Router
ChrisO -- 1/28/2003, 12:48 am
fix it, and buy a new one, too :)
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/28/2003, 12:25 am
Perhaps a "new" used router?
Brian Nystrom -- 1/27/2003, 3:04 pm
Where in Chelmsford is the service center?
ChrisMenard -- 1/31/2003, 8:35 am
Re: Where in Chelmsford is the service center?
Dick Kirschbaum -- 2/3/2003, 10:52 pm
The place I went by...
Brian Nystrom -- 2/4/2003, 11:58 am
Sears and a Spring Paddle in MA
Dick Kirschbaum -- 2/4/2003, 9:41 pm
I should have the deck on by then.
Brian T. Cunningham -- 2/5/2003, 12:57 pm
re: Finished
Ed Falis -- 2/5/2003, 8:49 pm
autocomplete, again?
charles w -- 2/8/2003, 8:50 am
Re: autocomplete, again?
Ed Falis -- 2/8/2003, 10:55 am
Hingham harbor
Brian Nystrom -- 2/5/2003, 12:25 pm
More people for MA
Brian T. Cunningham -- 2/4/2003, 12:36 am
Re: Where in Chelmsford is the service center?
Brian Nystrom -- 1/31/2003, 12:28 pm
Re: Tools: ARRG!!! Busted Router
Timothy -- 1/27/2003, 7:32 am
Re: Tools: ARRG!!! Busted Router
Andy -- 1/26/2003, 9:27 pm
Re: Tools: ARRG!!! Busted Router
Brian Steffke -- 1/26/2003, 5:13 pm
Re: Tools: ARRG!!! Busted Router
Roy Morford -- 1/26/2003, 5:32 pm
Re: Tools: ARRG!!! Busted Router------------Jo7gCY
John K------------Jo7gCYQu00xw+kx9rf8mbP -- 1/26/2003, 6:11 pm
Re: Tools: ARRG!!! Busted Router
Joe -- 1/26/2003, 3:28 pm