Boat Building Forum

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I'm happy with the Pygmy
By:Frank Eberdt
Date: 1/27/2003, 4:15 pm
In Response To: S&G: S & G Double (Dave H)

I built the Pygmy Osprey double
very satisfied with the Kit and very satisfied with the boat
been out in two foot or more waves
very stable
we have gone Kayak/camping in it at least six or seven times
it holds enough gear but not all of it fits in the two hatches
some of it needs to be stowed behind the forward paddler (ie in front of the feet of the rear paddler, which has not been a problem for us.


: I am planning on building an S & G Double for to use with my daughter (5
: years old), and also for my wife (novice paddler) and daughter when I am
: in my Guillemont. I don't have the time I used to, and want to get it in
: the water for spring, and so I will be building my first S & G from a
: kit.

: I am looking at the Pygmy and CLC Chesapeak doubles (I think the new sport
: tandem by CLC is too narrow for our uses, and don't think it will hold
: enough gear for camping, although I would prefer it for my personal use.)

: Interested in hearing views on these boats, and any others that may fit my
: needs (Double, novice paddler, available in a kit).

: Thanks

Messages In This Thread

S&G: S & G Double
Dave H -- 1/27/2003, 2:38 pm
Re: S&G Osprey Triple
Kevin T -- 1/28/2003, 12:37 am
Re: S&G Osprey Triple
LeeG -- 1/29/2003, 11:25 am
Re: S&G Osprey Triple
shawn servoss -- 1/28/2003, 12:18 pm
Re: S&G Osprey Triple
LeeG -- 1/28/2003, 7:34 am
Re: S&G Osprey Triple/sailing
Jim Kozel -- 1/28/2003, 8:32 am
Re: S&G Osprey Triple/sailing
LeeG -- 1/28/2003, 8:44 am
Re: S&G Osprey Triple/sailing
LeeG -- 1/28/2003, 8:48 am
looks like a FeathercraftII rudder to me *Pic*
Brian T. Cunningham -- 1/28/2003, 3:24 pm
Re: looks like a FeathercraftII rudder to me
LeeG -- 1/28/2003, 3:49 pm
Re: S&G Osprey Triple/sailing *LINK*
Eric -- 1/28/2003, 10:09 am
Re: S&G Osprey Triple/sailing
ChrisO -- 1/28/2003, 10:49 am
Re: S&G Osprey Triple/sailing
Tom Yost -- 1/28/2003, 11:33 am
Re: S&G Osprey Triple/sailing
Jim Kozel -- 1/28/2003, 10:00 am
Re: S&G: S & G Double *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/27/2003, 11:17 pm
Re: S&G: S & G Double *NM*
Dave -- 1/27/2003, 9:56 pm
Re: My daughter and I often paddle together
Dan Millsip -- 1/27/2003, 8:34 pm
Re: S&G: S & G Double
LeeG -- 1/27/2003, 5:35 pm
I'm happy with the Pygmy
Frank Eberdt -- 1/27/2003, 4:15 pm
Re: S&G: S & G Double *LINK*
Kyle T -- 1/27/2003, 4:09 pm
Re: S&G: S & G Double
Jeff The Tall -- 1/27/2003, 3:20 pm
Re: S&G: S & G Double
shawn servoss -- 1/27/2003, 3:05 pm
Re: S&G: S & G Double
Chris -- 1/27/2003, 3:01 pm