Date: 1/28/2003, 10:11 am
Yep, same way I did the feature strip on my boat.
Just keep in mind that you will be matching the curves of the boat and that the pieces may need to be custom cut to fit that specific curvature.
I wouldn't glue up a large area off the boat then try to bend it to fit onto the boat. This works with long thin details but for the larger stuff its better to glue each piece right onto the boat, maybe with a regular strip stapled to the forms alongside so you get them fair.
Another problem I had was with the thickness of the pieces since I used my regular strip stock (1/4" thick). Even though I tried hard to line the pieces up evenly, some of them would be a tiny bit higher and others would be a tiny bit lower. When you sand the strip smooth you remove to the level of the lowest piece, this is fine for that lowest piece but the highest piece may have gotten pretty thin.
You have some great looking design's there, Have fun with it!!
Ben Staley
: I've been trying to figure out a way to do a feature strip on the sides of my
: kayak and after showing it to my wife, she suggested I use her strip
: quilting methods for my strip kayak. Check out the pictures and let me
: know what you think.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Quilting idea *LINK*
Dan in Indiana -- 1/27/2003, 8:08 pm- Re: Strip: Quilting idea *Pic*
Ben Staley -- 1/28/2003, 10:11 am- Re: Strip: Quilting idea
Dan in Indiana -- 1/29/2003, 1:44 pm- Re: Strip: Quilting idea
Ben Staley -- 1/29/2003, 2:07 pm
- Re: Strip: Quilting idea
- Re: Strip: Quilting idea
srchr/gerald -- 1/27/2003, 10:35 pm - Re: Strip: Quilting idea
- Re: Strip: Quilting idea *Pic*