Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood??
By:mike allen
Date: 2/3/2003, 12:27 pm
Date: 2/3/2003, 12:27 pm
In Response To: Strip: gluing plans to plywood?? (Gordon Snapp)
lightly spray the back of your paper sections over some scrap larger paper.
then you can lift up and reposition them to remove wrinkles or save ply as the whole surface of the wood is not gummy.
then when all in place, lift up the bottom or top 1/2 of the plan and respray both sides slightly more heavily, (careful w/ overspray on adjacent paper(use some scrap paper and move around to mask))
if ever an edge lifts, a very lt wipe of any glue will tack down.
basically don't over spray - go very very light at first. then when tacked down, you don't need so many hands to fix, refix or to fix up.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: gluing plans to plywood??
Gordon Snapp -- 2/2/2003, 4:07 pm- Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood?? *LINK*
Gordon Snapp -- 2/3/2003, 11:34 pm- Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood?? *LINK* *Pic*
Steve Frederick -- 2/4/2003, 5:30 pm- Re: Strip: Drawings
Steve Frederick -- 2/4/2003, 7:35 pm- Re: Strip: Drawings
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/5/2003, 12:03 am
- Re: Strip: Drawings
- Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood??
Gordon Snapp -- 2/4/2003, 7:08 pm
- Re: Strip: Drawings
- Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood?? *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood??
Rick Sylvia -- 2/3/2003, 5:05 pm- Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood??
John K -- 2/3/2003, 6:09 pm
- Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood??
- Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood??
mike allen -- 2/3/2003, 12:27 pm - Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood??
Tony W. -- 2/2/2003, 4:49 pm - Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood??
Steve Frederick -- 2/2/2003, 4:22 pm
- Re: Strip: gluing plans to plywood?? *LINK*