Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: Start up
By:Paul G. Jacobson
Date: 2/5/2003, 5:43 pm
In Response To: Strip: Start up (Tomas)

: Well, i really need some help, I have a proyect of building a 32 ft long
: kayak made of strips(the fastest way to do it) due a not commond race in
: my contry. Here we have a cayuco race (similar to canoe) but kayak desing
: suits well, It is made for 4 paddlers but my problem is that i have the
: desing, i have the wood but i just dont know how. Do you know any tutorial
: that could help me to build it!. My old cayuco is made of the body of a
: huge tree, yes! like old times. But it is not a efficient desing.
: Tutorials, pictures, all is welcome. Thanks

There are at least four good books on strip building canoes and kayaks. The book by Nick Schade has already been mentioned. Also look at "Building a strip canoe" by Gil Gilpatrick, "Canoecraft" by Ted Moores and "Stripper's Guide to Canoe Building" by David Hazen. They are available at and other book stores.

All of these books give general information on using wood strips for constucting small boats. In additon they focus on specific plans and construction details for a few boat designs.

For a boat as long as you wush to construct you would probably wish to use strips which are thicker than the 4mm to 6 mm strips (3/16 to 1/4 inch) used for smaller canoes and kayaks.

I'd suggest you consider strips that are anywhere from 9mm to 13 mm thick (about 3/8 to 1/2 inch thick).

Look for designs for commercial C-4 or K-4 (4 man canoe, or 4 man kayak) racing boats. Or, look at the designs for 4 man racing shells (which are rowed, not paddled) From these you can get some ideas of the hull shape and displacement which you wil want to build. You can use these rough ideas as starting points and work with a boat design program, which can draw out the plans you'll need to build from. Here is a link to one of these:

hope this helps.


Messages In This Thread

Strip: Start up
Tomas -- 2/5/2003, 2:25 pm
Re: Strip: Start up *LINK*
Sam McFadden -- 2/5/2003, 8:59 pm
Re: Strip: Start up *LINK*
srchr -- 2/5/2003, 7:11 pm
Re: Strip: Start up
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/5/2003, 5:43 pm
Re: Strip: Start up
Tomas -- 2/6/2003, 7:38 pm
Re: Strip: Start up *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 2/5/2003, 3:28 pm
Re: Strip: Start up
Don Flowers -- 2/5/2003, 2:33 pm