Date: 2/6/2003, 1:49 pm
: My router is a Makita 3620 plunge router, roughly 3/p hp. When I plunge it
: all the way, the collet nut only just extends beyond the router base. So,
: then insert my Lee Valley large diameter bead (or cove) bit, and find that
: it does not even clear the table surface. My table is melamine 15mm (0.6
: inch). The only way I can get it to proper working height is to partially
: lift the shank of the bit out of the collet cone. When I reach the proper
: height, I have only about half the shank left in the collet cone. The
: collet cone is still completely filled with shank, only there is no more
: shank extending beyond it into the router...
: Pascal, first time router
Pascal, I have the Makita 3612C plunge router and the Lee Valley bits. I didn't have any trouble, but I mounted the router on a base plate that is inserted into the top of my router table. It's about 1/4-3/8" thick. If you don't want to add an insert, route out the bottom of the melamine so that it is not as thick in area where the router is mounted. I have some pictures of my setup on my webpage under the OI building log "milling the strips".

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: trouble with b&c routing
Pascal, in Chile -- 2/6/2003, 10:21 am- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing
David Hanson -- 2/6/2003, 4:40 pm- b&c vs bevel
mike allen -- 2/7/2003, 9:13 pm
- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing
Mike Loriz -- 2/6/2003, 3:12 pm- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 2/6/2003, 1:49 pm- Thanks everyone, this ought to work ... *LINK*
Pascal, in Chile -- 2/6/2003, 3:30 pm- Re: Thanks everyone, this ought to work ...
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 2/6/2003, 4:49 pm
- Re: Thanks everyone, this ought to work ...
- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing
Paul J -- 2/6/2003, 1:40 pm- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 2/6/2003, 12:18 pm- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing
Tim Eastman -- 2/6/2003, 1:04 pm- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing
Chip Sandresky -- 2/6/2003, 2:16 pm
- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing
- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing
Kent LeBoutillier -- 2/6/2003, 11:39 am- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing
Tim Eastman -- 2/6/2003, 12:56 pm- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing
Kent LeBoutillier -- 2/7/2003, 6:22 am- My turn for a stupid question....
Bob Deutsch -- 2/7/2003, 12:06 pm- Re: My turn for a stupid question....
Kent LeBoutillier -- 2/7/2003, 9:42 pm
- Re: My turn for a stupid question....
- If I might explain beveling
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/7/2003, 12:20 am- Re: If I might explain beveling
Bob Deutsch -- 2/7/2003, 4:29 am- Re: If I might explain beveling
Jack Sanderson -- 2/7/2003, 10:31 am- Thanks Sam & Jack! *NM*
Bob Deutsch -- 2/7/2003, 12:08 pm
- Re: If I might explain beveling
Sam McFadden -- 2/7/2003, 10:30 am- Re: If I might explain beveling
Mike Loriz -- 2/7/2003, 7:57 pm- Re: If I might explain beveling
Sam McFadden -- 2/7/2003, 11:17 pm
- Re: If I might explain beveling
- Re: If I might explain beveling
Mark Normand -- 2/7/2003, 7:11 am - Thanks Sam & Jack! *NM*
- Re: If I might explain beveling
- I second Tim's question...thanks Kent... *NM*
Bob Deutsch -- 2/6/2003, 3:19 pm- Re: I second Tim's question...thanks Kent...
Don Lucas -- 2/7/2003, 9:28 am
- My turn for a stupid question....
- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing
- b&c vs bevel
- Re: Strip: trouble with b&c routing