: I'm getting ready to start stripping. It seems like a good plane would be a
: wise investment. Suppose I was going to buy one. What kind would be the
: most useful? If I bought a block plane, would a low angle one be good? I'm
: toying with the idea of doing a rolling bevel instead of bead and cove (or
: maybe a mixture of both.) How about for cheater strips? Fitting strips
: into football area, etc.?
: Thanks in advance!
An inexpensive Stanley block plane should do nicely. The strips are thin and the cedar is soft. That makes for easy planing. The quality of the steel used for the cutting blade, or cutting iron, is important. Stanley's tools -- even their inexpensive ones -- come with a good iron.
True Value hardware offers a Stanley plane for US $12.96 through their website, and probably about the same price at any True Value store. If you buy locally you'll save on shipping. At the top of this webpage is a search field which will help you find your nearest True Value Hardware store.
Bizrate.com will do comparison shopping for items osld on the web. When I wnet to their site and searched for Block plane I got to this page:
If you go down the list you'll see a 7 inch Stanley block plane for US $29.99
There is another item in the list which caught my eye. It is a very pretty brass and rosewood miniature block plane by Robert Larson, for US $23.17
Hope this helps.

Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Which Plane to Buy?
Gordon Snapp -- 2/7/2003, 7:44 pm- Re: Tools: Which Plane to Buy?
Rich Johnson -- 2/10/2003, 10:45 pm- My two favorite planes...
Brian Nystrom -- 2/9/2003, 10:55 am- inexpensive Stanley block plane should do. *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/7/2003, 9:46 pm- Re: inexpensive Stanley block plane should do.
Warwick Carter -- 2/8/2003, 1:51 am- Old planes work too
Pascal, in Chile -- 2/7/2003, 11:09 pm- Re: inexpensive Stanley block plane should do.
Rehd -- 2/7/2003, 10:01 pm - Old planes work too
- Re: Tools: Which Plane to Buy?
srchr/gerald -- 2/7/2003, 9:03 pm- Re: Tools: Which Plane to Buy?
Roy Morford -- 2/7/2003, 8:27 pm- Re: Tools: Most Useful *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 2/7/2003, 8:10 pm- Re: Tools: Most Useful *LINK* *Pic*
Steve Frederick -- 2/8/2003, 10:50 am- Re: Tools: Most Useful
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/10/2003, 11:34 pm
- Re: Don't listen to Chip
... *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 2/7/2003, 9:38 pm- Re: Don't listen to Ross ...
Jay Babina -- 2/10/2003, 8:23 am- Re: I reserve the right
Chip Sandresky -- 2/8/2003, 3:05 am- Re: Which plane
Ed Falis -- 2/7/2003, 9:59 pm - Re: I reserve the right
- Re: Tools: Most Useful
- My two favorite planes...
- Re: Tools: Which Plane to Buy?