: I just addicted a whole family with kayaking! Now they need yaks.
: Unfortunately cash is a concern. I was thinking of starting them with
: sof's. The largest paddler is about 270lb how will a Greenland kayak
: handle with someone of this size? What is the best book to start them on?
: I have Morris and Zimmerlys books, is there a better book they should use?
: Sage
If you are going to build several kayaks at one time, or in a short period of time, then onsider George Putz's Walrus. You make one set of forms -- which can be cut from a 1/2 sheet of plywood if you use my revised measurements -- and those forms are reused for laying out each additional frame. For heavier paddlers you can space the forms a bit further apart to give a longer boat with more displacement.
If you don't want to cover the things with cloth, you can cover them with thin plywood panels (1/8th inch, 3mm, 4mm 5.2 mm, or 1/4 inch would all be fine) and seal the seams with glass strips and epoxy resin. When you use wood you can skip the "trestle" bracing steps as the wood skin does all that bracing for you. Then you would have quickly-assembled wood boats for about the same price as skin boats.
You might want to find Mike Hanks' website and check out the veritable fleet of "Wallys" he has built. I don't think any of them cost over $200, and some were considerably less expensive. I don't think any of his boats are identical as he modified form size and spacing for different attributes, and changed coverings.
Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
sage -- 2/10/2003, 5:16 pm- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/11/2003, 7:52 pm- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
Rick Allnutt -- 2/11/2003, 1:26 pm- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
sage -- 2/11/2003, 7:27 pm- 19 feet, first guess for flotation
Rick Allnutt -- 2/12/2003, 9:15 am
- 19 feet, first guess for flotation
- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
sing -- 2/11/2003, 7:59 am- P.S. - Cost
sing -- 2/11/2003, 8:09 am- red oak not for boat.
Tony -- 2/11/2003, 7:41 pm- white oak
Jeff The Tall -- 2/12/2003, 2:12 pm- Re: white oak
Brian Nystrom -- 2/13/2003, 12:37 pm- Re: white oak
Jeff The Tall -- 2/13/2003, 4:56 pm
- Re: white oak
- Red oak is fine for kayaks
Brian Nystrom -- 2/12/2003, 1:39 pm- It wasn't very good on my canoe
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/12/2003, 10:46 pm- Re: It wasn't very good on my canoe
Kent LeBoutillier -- 2/14/2003, 6:07 am- Re: It wasn't very good on my canoe
Brian Nystrom -- 2/13/2003, 12:33 pm - Re: It wasn't very good on my canoe
- Re: It wasn't very good on my canoe
- Re: red oak not for boat.
sing -- 2/12/2003, 10:02 am - Re: white oak
- white oak
- red oak not for boat.
- 101 looks and no second oppinions????
Sage -- 2/11/2003, 3:09 am- Re: 101 looks and no second oppinions????
Rehd -- 2/11/2003, 9:53 am- Re: 101 looks and no second oppinions????
sage -- 2/11/2003, 7:10 pm- why no green?? *NM*
sage -- 2/11/2003, 7:11 pm- Only rehd, no greehn *NM*
Larry -- 2/11/2003, 8:22 pm- You guys are giving me a hehd-ache.
Brian Nystrom -- 2/12/2003, 1:41 pm
- cause Sage spent it all buying books! *NM*
Tony -- 2/11/2003, 7:33 pm - You guys are giving me a hehd-ache.
- Only rehd, no greehn *NM*
- why no green?? *NM*
- Re: 101 looks and no second oppinions????
Jeff The Tall -- 2/11/2003, 6:31 am - Re: 101 looks and no second oppinions????
- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!