It sound like the Pygmy Queen Charlotte XL is right up your alley. It is supposed to fit people weighing 220-280 pounds. It is quite stable at 25-1/2", so it is great for fishing. Their website says it will also hold 200 pounds of gear. I don't think Pygmy is exagerating any of these claims. They design their kayaks with expeditions in mind.
All of their kayaks hold lots of gear. I am close to 180 and I find their standard kayaks a little large for my tastes. But they do an excellent job of hull design. Their kayaks are very capable in rough water, in fact, they excel in it. I would expect the Queen Charlotte XL to be playful for a large kayak. It should turn great, but still track well.
They also have some other high volume designs, the Arctic Tern High Volume, the GoldenEye Hi, and the Osprey Triple. But the Queen Charlotte-XL is their kayak designed specifically for larger people. The Arctic Tern High Volume and the GoldenEye Hi are just their standard hulls with 1-1/2" added to the depth. They may be right for you though depending on your skills. E-mail or call Pygmy, they are very helpful, and will help find the design that is right for you.
CLC has the Chesapeake 18, West River 164, and the Mill Creeks. But in my opinion, Pygmy does a better job of designing hulls.
: I would like to build either a s&g kayak, or eventually a cedar strip. My
: concern is what design meets my build.. I am 5'8" and range from
: 250/260 lbs. if you include gear for camping - I think I needs a larger
: kayak such as a Great Auk (stip style) but as my skills are limited, I
: would like to do a stitch and glue first.
: Has any one of similar build, completed a s&g and have found a design
: suitable for a two week tour of Quitico Provincial Park, but could also be
: used regularily for day use - primarily fishing and paddling around the
: three parts to Shebandowan Lake, Thunder Bay area.

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: recommendations on what to build
John Ramage -- 2/14/2003, 9:49 pm- Re: Seeking: recommendations on what to build *Pic*
Arko Bronaugh -- 2/15/2003, 1:38 pm- Re: Seeking: recommendations on what to build *LINK*
Roger Nuffer -- 2/15/2003, 10:31 am- Re: Seeking: recommendations on what to build
LeeG -- 2/15/2003, 10:46 am
- Re: Seeking: recommendations on what to build *LINK* *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 2/15/2003, 10:11 am- Re: Seeking: recommendations on what to build
LeeG -- 2/15/2003, 10:43 am
- Re: Seeking: recommendations on what to build
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/15/2003, 1:59 am- Re: Seeking: recommendations on what to build-----
Dick Kirschbaum------------uROW1lbblY+8fVIaNuT61h -- 2/15/2003, 12:21 am - Re: Seeking: recommendations on what to build *LINK*
- Re: Seeking: recommendations on what to build *Pic*