Date: 2/18/2003, 12:31 am
You sure got a lot out of one stick of wood -- nice job of matching colors, makes an elegant looking boat.
congrats and enjoy
: well folks, she floats! i laid the shear strip on september fifteenth. she's
: sat waiting for three weeks but we finally got her out in the water. built
: entirely of 3/16 strips of western red cedar from one plank (2x12rough).
: the shear strip and outer stems are mahogany, and the coaming lip is oak.
: fully rigged she weighs in at 37 pounds 15 ounces. single layer six ounce
: glass layup. west systems epoxy, 105/207. helmsman spar varnish.
: performance, in a word, was 'amazing'! at 18ft and 21 1/4 wide i had expected
: it to feel a bit tender after so many miles in the spring run. not so!
: initial stability is very comfortable. manuverability...the first time i
: leaned her over for a turn she felt like she was on a turntable. just
: "zip" and i was going the other way! three or four strong paddle
: strokes and she hits her cruising speed of about 4.5 mph, and holds it
: effortlessly. i didn't try for a top speed reading but 7.5 mph was easy.
: a very fine boat! thanks Joe.
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: redfish KING *LINK*
daren neufeld -- 2/17/2003, 12:55 am- thanks to all
daren neufeld -- 2/19/2003, 10:55 pm- Re: Launching: redfish KING
Dale Frolander -- 2/19/2003, 2:44 am- Re: Launching: redfish KING
daren neufeld -- 2/19/2003, 10:51 pm
- Superb craftsmanship, hope to see it at R2K3
Scott Ferguson -- 2/18/2003, 6:17 pm- Beautiful Work! *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 2/18/2003, 3:51 pm- Re: Launching: redfish KING
Sasha -- 2/18/2003, 1:51 pm- Re: Launching: redfish KING
Steve Rasmussen -- 2/18/2003, 1:12 pm- Re: Launching: redfish KING
daren neufeld -- 2/18/2003, 8:10 pm
- Clean and Sweet *NM*
Elliott -- 2/18/2003, 8:19 am- Nicely Done
Don Flowers -- 2/18/2003, 12:31 am- Beatiful boat *NM*
Brian T. Cunningham -- 2/17/2003, 4:50 pm- Re: Launching: redfish KING
William Cruz -- 2/17/2003, 2:57 pm- Knock down GORGEOUS
Mike and Rikki -- 2/17/2003, 1:40 pm- Re: Knock down GORGEOUS
Roy Morford -- 2/17/2003, 2:07 pm- Re: Knock down GORGEOUS
Mike and Rikki -- 2/17/2003, 2:49 pm- Re: Knock down GORGEOUS
daren neufeld -- 2/17/2003, 8:30 pm- Re: Knock down GORGEOUS
Mike and Rikki -- 2/17/2003, 9:36 pm
- Re: Knock down GORGEOUS
- Re: Knock down GORGEOUS
- Re: Knock down GORGEOUS
- Nice Boat!!
Lennie Hawkins -- 2/17/2003, 1:40 pm- Re: Nice Boat!! *LINK*
daren neufeld -- 2/17/2003, 8:27 pm- Re: Nice Boat!!
Jack Sanderson -- 2/18/2003, 10:01 am- Re: Nice Boat!!
daren neufeld -- 2/18/2003, 10:15 am
- Re: Nice Boat!!
- Re: Nice Boat!!
- Re: Launching: redfish KING
mike allen -- 2/17/2003, 1:17 pm- can feel the spirit..... *NM*
Bob Deutsch -- 2/17/2003, 12:24 pm- Re: Launching: redfish KING
Dave Murray -- 2/17/2003, 12:13 pm- Re: Launching: redfish KING
daren neufeld -- 2/17/2003, 8:23 pm
- One 2x12 plank, how long?
David Hanson -- 2/17/2003, 11:42 am- Re: One 2x12 plank, how long?
daren neufeld -- 2/17/2003, 8:22 pm- Re: One 2x12 plank, how long?
Mark Normand -- 2/18/2003, 11:25 am
- Re: One 2x12 plank, how long?
- beautiful....
srchr/gerald -- 2/17/2003, 11:37 am- Beautiful! Elegant and graceful! *NM*
Rob P -- 2/17/2003, 11:07 am- Re: Launching: redfish KING
Bobby Curtis -- 2/17/2003, 10:23 am- Re: Launching: redfish KING
daren neufeld -- 2/17/2003, 8:19 pm
- Re: Launching: redfish KING
Steve Frederick -- 2/17/2003, 10:11 am- Re: Launching: redfish KING
daren neufeld -- 2/17/2003, 8:16 pm
- Re: Launching: redfish KING
Tom Yost -- 2/17/2003, 9:58 am- Simple but Elegant
grant -- 2/17/2003, 9:54 am- Re: Simple but Elegant
daren neufeld -- 2/17/2003, 8:14 pm
- Very Nice Daren - You SHOULD Be Proud!! *NM*
Charles Leach -- 2/17/2003, 9:38 am- nicely done - Congratulations
Frank Eberdt -- 2/17/2003, 7:54 am- Wow!
Jon -- 2/17/2003, 1:29 am- Re: Wow!
Wesley Gross -- 2/17/2003, 8:49 am
- Re: Launching: redfish KING
- thanks to all