Boat Building Forum

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Other: LPU blues
By:Lennie Hawkins
Date: 2/19/2003, 10:41 am

I have put on about six thin coats on the hull and I finally got one right.(Thinned 25% and used a good foam brush) So I left it alone and went to the deck. I have more coats on it than I can count as I had to scrape and wet sand some nasty runs around the coaming. This morning I thought I would do a quick wet sanding to prepare for my last coat (again). While wiping down the whole boat with water I had saw that the water from the sanding ran under the boat on my completed hull. Well long story short. The sanded material must have carried some of the LPU with it. Now I have lines in the finish from the water.
The literature from S3 states that you can polish it with 3M�s finesse polishing compound. Has anyone used this? And did it produce a quality finish?
