Date: 2/21/2003, 2:30 pm
: "Hey", folks. What do you folks do with all your B&C scraps that
: are under about 2 feet in length? I'm thinking they'll make nice waste
: baskets, pencil cups and small boxes with rounded over tops. What other
: sorts of projects have you used them for, where you could take advantage
: of the B&Cs?
: Rick
Hi Rick,
Here's the second strip topped treasure chest that I've given away for children's birthdays. The cool part is the secret storage compartment in the lid. Very easy to make, nothing fancy, but quite practical. When I give these away as gifts, I include an old National Geographic world map (with burned and torn edges) and a cheap kids compass (dollar store). Kids seem to like these as much or more than store bought toys. I have many other projects as well, but any round shaped box goes together quickly with a base of some kind and a brad nailer. Perfect projects for Jay's hot glue drop at the ends of the strips to be cut off later.
Another idea is to run the strips through a tablesaw again, and cut them into smaller strips for model kayaks. Just be sure to count your fingers before and then again after you cut tiny strips from small stock. If you do cut yourself, your blood will seep into the wood strip, staining it, and ruining it for good.

Messages In This Thread
- Other: Projects for B&C Scraps
Rick Sylvia -- 2/21/2003, 8:40 am- THANKS!
Rick Sylvia -- 2/25/2003, 5:24 pm- Re: Other: Projects for B&C Scraps *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 2/21/2003, 2:30 pm- Re: Other: Projects for square cut Scraps *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 2/21/2003, 2:36 pm- Re: Other: Projects
KenC -- 2/21/2003, 5:38 pm- Only to ashes as it heats the house
Scott Ferguson -- 2/21/2003, 6:28 pm
- Only to ashes as it heats the house
- Re: Other: Projects
- Re: Other: A Box for Gear *NM* *Pic*
John Caldeira -- 2/21/2003, 12:14 pm- shucks...secret's out....
srchr/gerald -- 2/21/2003, 10:49 am- Paddle blades *NM*
Jay Babina -- 2/21/2003, 9:19 am - Re: Other: Projects for B&C Scraps *Pic*