Date: 2/24/2003, 6:57 pm
I truely enjoyed reading your post and would like to see if I could be of any help. I too have daughters, 2 of them, ages are 8 and 10, fortunately they're not teenagers yet.
First thing I would consider is whether or not your daughter could live with a stitch and glue hull. The stipped deck hybrid is a fantastic way to quickly build a beautiful boat. There are lots of designs that would fit her size. Second thing to consider, if the S&G thing flies, is to skin the deck for this year and possible tear it off next winter for it's permanent stripped deck.
Another option that I've been thinking about is the idea of a non-traditional SOF kayak, using the latest and greatest strip designed forms and cut out most of the center, leaving a full ring, made from quality plywood and connected with wood stringers. Skin and finish the hull as you would normally finish a SOF, then strip the deck. Or again skin the deck for this year and wood strip it next. I don't know how well this would work, but I'm willing to give it a try. For the first of my skin on frames, I am using Vaclav's Cape Ann design, but changing it drastically into a short, fat, fishing kayak, for day use only.
The stripped deck/non-traditional SOF hybrid could hold lots of potential. For one thing you're not limited to the hull shape by flat panels (S&G), but can choose from a wide range of kayak designs to fit any individual's needs. And it should have a fairly quick build time, probably much less than a S&G hybrid. We'll see how things go. Anyone else here ever build a SOF hybrid? Any pictures? I would be very interested to hear other's opinions on this subject.
To sum this up, I think you need to explain the different construction methods with your daughter and hopefully settle on a fairly quick build. It's my belief that if you got her started on a full strip kayak, that you'll be the one finishing it (don't tell her that I said that). But if you keep it simple, you'll still get to spend time together building it, but you'll have it done for Spring and/or Summer paddling. However, anything that you two choose to build, I'm sure you'll enjoy the time together and love the boats you build. Please keep us posted on your decision and your progress.
Here's a picture of some forms I was going to build (and probably will someday) of a 19' Baidarka based on the MAE 593-76 but scaled up 1.33 times.

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
Rick Sylvia -- 2/24/2003, 11:42 am- too this & too that
Erez -- 3/2/2003, 6:09 am- THANKS!!!
Rick Sylvia -- 2/26/2003, 3:17 pm- Check Klepper site before dissing S_O_F
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/26/2003, 7:38 pm- Re: Check Klepper site before dissing S_O_F
Topher -- 2/27/2003, 12:38 pm- Re: Check Klepper site before dissing S_O_F
Rick Sylvia -- 2/27/2003, 8:41 am- Re: Check Klepper site before dissing S_O_F
*LINK* *Pic*
Tom Yost -- 2/28/2003, 10:37 am- Re: Check Klepper site before dissing S_O_F
Rick Sylvia -- 2/28/2003, 10:55 am
- Hmmm. You aren't doing your reading
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/28/2003, 12:47 am- Re: Hmmm. You aren't doing your reading
Rick Sylvia -- 2/28/2003, 10:48 am
- folding sof
Larry -- 2/27/2003, 9:03 pm - Re: Check Klepper site before dissing S_O_F
- Re: Check Klepper site before dissing S_O_F
- Re: THANKS!!!
Peter Robinson in Oz -- 2/26/2003, 5:12 pm- Re: THANKS!!!
Rick Sylvia -- 2/27/2003, 8:48 am
- Re: Check Klepper site before dissing S_O_F
- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
John Schroeder -- 2/25/2003, 9:21 pm- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
LeeG -- 2/25/2003, 12:19 pm- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
LisaS -- 2/25/2003, 10:27 pm
- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
Charles Leach -- 2/25/2003, 7:58 am- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
Don Lucas -- 2/25/2003, 12:08 pm- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
emmett bowen -- 2/25/2003, 10:06 am - Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter *LINK*
Ron Friedman -- 2/25/2003, 7:40 am- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
RickR -- 2/25/2003, 6:12 am- consider a skin covered boat.
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/25/2003, 12:08 am- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
Gordon Snapp -- 2/24/2003, 11:16 pm- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
Mort -- 2/25/2003, 5:24 am
- Re: Seeking: Great Projects !!
Rehd -- 2/24/2003, 7:19 pm- Re: Seeking: Compromise on the hull material *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 2/24/2003, 6:57 pm- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
Dave -- 2/24/2003, 6:14 pm- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
Mark Normand -- 2/26/2003, 8:29 am- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter *LINK*
Dave -- 2/26/2003, 11:06 am
- Re: Dave's 16 ft. Little Auk *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 2/25/2003, 6:50 pm- Biblical quotations
Dean Trexel -- 2/25/2003, 8:52 pm- Re: Biblical quotations
Roger Nuffer -- 2/26/2003, 10:38 am
- Re: Biblical quotations
- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
Scott Ferguson -- 2/24/2003, 7:10 pm - Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter *LINK*
- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter *LINK*
srchr/gerald -- 2/24/2003, 5:05 pm- Storm SLT or LT? *LINK*
David Hanson -- 2/24/2003, 3:30 pm- Re: Seeking: A Boat design for My Daughter
Mark Normand -- 2/24/2003, 2:14 pm - THANKS!!!
- too this & too that